24| Cooking

114 4 8

So im back y'all!!!!! Sorry for not writing, i just had a little family-trouble, but now im here. I had this idea when my dad got my and my siblings phone away.

This is not a pt.2 After 'the fight that changed everything'

Sorry for the bad grammar :(



Kai's POV:

I woke up and i stared at the clock.

6 am

Why the heck, am i awake at this f*cking hour? Well i looked besides myself and i saw -now my soon will be husband- Cole. He slept so peacefully. I smiled and remembered that he proposed to me about 2 months ago. It was the most beautiful moment in my life.

He took me on a date all over Ninjago and when we were in the park, he started to tell me how much he loves me, and how much beautiful i am. I was so confused that why he tells me these things all of a sudden but then he grabbed my hands and kissed them.

He then kneeled down in front of me and he opened a small red box. I put my hands at my mouth and then he said the most beautiful sentence in the world.

"Will you be my yang Kai Smith?"

I cried and i said: "YESSSS" and i hugged him. I was so happy. The happiest.

I snapped out of my thoughts when i smelled bacon and eggs. I was so hungry. But when i wanted to stood up, i realized something. I got worried.

"Cole can't cook. I love him, but his cookings are terrible. And i got banned from the kitchen, because i accidently burned something. But if me and Cole are going to live alone once, who will be the chef?"

I was a bit worried. "Oh f*ck. Why didn't i think of that before?" I still whispered cause the love of my life were still sleeping.

"If i smell this, that must've mean, that  Zane is cooking, so if i apologize him about what happened, he would teach me to cook?" I wondered while looking at the floor.

"I know, i know. I raised Nya so i should've cook, right? Well i cooked her sometimes a little meal but everyone could do that. If me and Cole will have kids once, i should be the one who cooks them shouldn't I?"

I got myself ready for the day and i kissed Cole's cheek. "Good night mi amor. And dont worry, I'll learn how to cook i promise." I said with a smile.

I opened the door slowly and i then closed it. I was really quite and i went downstairs. I saw that Zane and Pixal were cooking. God, they got made for each other.

"Good morning guys." I said with an akward smile. They turned around and saw me. "Good morning Kai! How did you sleep?" The girl nindroid looked at me. "I slept good, but Zane. May i ask you a favor?"

He passed the spatula to Pix, and he sat besides me. "Yes Kai?" I took a deep breath. I looked at the table for some seconds but i then looked at the male nindroid who were already staring at me.

"Well, you know that me and Cole are engaged now right?" He nodded and i took a breath again. "I need you to help me how to cook." He looked confused and a bit scared.

"Why?" I laughed a bit nervously. "Because Cole can't cook." He sighned. "I know that, but why do you wanna learn to cook?" I looked at Pixal and i saw se already saw everything in my eyes. God she is pro.

"Well-" i was cut off by him. "You remember what happened last time i let you cook?" He smiled but glared at the same time. "I know, i know, but this is really important."

"Okay. What is so important?" I laughed nervously then i thought that im ready. "Because if all the problems will be solved in Ninjago, we could seprate to live our private life. And when me and Cole gonna live together, one of us should cook. Cole tried a lot of time but he can't cook. I need to learn. If we will have kids, i should be the one who feeds them...."

He nodded and agreed. "Yes he is right. Zane, we should teach him. Atleast one recipe. Maybe some pancakes?" Zane nodded and i clapped my hands.

"Okay the first thing is that...."

2 hours later...

Cole's POV:

I could feel that the spot besides me were empty and when i opened my eyes i saw that i was right. "Babe? Where are you?" I was so tired i didn't want to wake up. I then smelled pancakes.

"I smelled Zane's pancakes before but these are not Zane's. Not even Pixal's. Then whose?" I got myself ready when i heard a knock. "Yes? Who is it?" It was Jay and he was so excited. "DID YOU SMELL THAT DELICIOUS PANCAKES? COME ON!! WE NEED TO SEE WHO BAKE THEM!!!"

I got outside of my and Kai's room and I yawned. Nya was behind me and Lloyd were behind her. "Who could it be?" The female ninja questioned. "Did you saw Kai anyway?" I asked them and we stopped.

"What if Kai is the-" Jay cut greenie off. "It couldn't be him. Remember when he burned the kitchen?" We all nodded and we just walked to the kitchen. We sat on the table and Zane bought us pancakes.

"Before we eat, let me tell you that these pancakes weren't made by me or Pixal. Someone asked us to bake them."
We looked confused and we saw that Kai came out of the kitchen. "Kai? You made them?" He nodded and was embrassed a bit. I smiled and he sat besides me.

"I thought you banned Kai from the kitchen?" Jay asked and Pixal chuckled. "He did but not anymore." We ate the pancakes and cheered to Kai because all of it were amazing.


Me and Kai got ourselves ready to sleep when went to Kai. "Firefly? Why did you make pancakes this morning?" He smiled and put a kiss on my nose. "Because if we'll have kids once, i should learn to cook to feed them?"

I looked at him confused. "Why i shouldn't be the chef?" He laughed. "Oh babe. I love you so much but your cooking is terrible." He said kissing my cheeks. I rolled my eyes and i kissed him again. "Very funny."

He laughed again. I then leaned on our shared bed -which was huge- and i closed my eyes. Kai leaned besides myself and he hugged me like a pillow.

"I love you Cole."

"I love you too Kai."




Word count: 1165

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