Chapter 5

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Hot shot has been in Texas children's hospital since the last two day of December and now it was June. He had been in there for about six months. Hot shot was hoping he was going to get his new heart soon. But he was getting used to being in the hospital and the things that he has to do there. One thing Hot shot was starting to get used to is all the needle pokes. Hot shot had to get needle pokes to get an new IV for the medicine he needed to help hold him off until transplant. Also the needle pokes to get blood. Hot shot knew it was a lot but it was getting used to it.

However Hot shot since late May was starting to feel very weak and sicker. Now in early June Hot shot was very weak and sick. Dr. Spinner and the others of Hot shot's team took a look at Hot shot. "Hot shot needs to be put on Berlin Heart," Dr. Spinner told Heatwave and Quickshadow. "it will help hold him till transplant even further," he said. "Because of this Hot shot will move up on the wait list," he said. 

"Do what you can for him please," Quickshadow said.

"Please do it," Heatwave said.

Hot shot was then taken back to the OR. Hot shot was made to fall asleep with special medicine air. Then the surgeons went in and placed the tubes of the berlin heart in place. Then closed Hot shot up and the Berlin Heart began to work. Hot shot was taken back to the CICU and that is where he woke up. Hot shot saw what he was attached too. 

"This is a Berlin heart," Quickshadow said. "It will help hold you off until transplant," she said. "Because need more medical help in order to wait and stay strong during it," she said.

Hot shot just nodded his head because he was very tired at the moment. Hot shot was resting and getting oxygen. 

After a few days in June Hot shot was starting to feel better with the Berlin heart now attached. Hot shot was starting to feel bit better. Not 100% but better. Hot shot was able to get back to play few games and being able to rest and relax. 

Hot shot still had to do all the tests he had to do to help get the doctors an idea of how he was doing and how to make the right match when the donation happens. Hot shot was getting used to it. Hot shot mainly slept in the CICU because he was still tired and weak. 

Hot shot was wondering when he was going to get his new heart. He knew he had to be patient. But had a feeling deep down inside he was going to get one. "I know I am going to get a heart, I know it will be soon," Hot shot said today.

"Sounds like you haven't given up hope," Roxy said. 

"I know I will get a heart," Hot shot said. 

"That's the spirit," Roxy said. 

Hot shot hadn't given up hope the whole time he was there. Hot shot was very brave and strong throughout it all. Even though he was having a lot of big feelings about being in the hospital and needing a new heart. Hot shot hasn't given up hope he will get a heart. 

Hot shot was also able to video chat with his hospital friends with his tablet and his mother and father's phones. His parents had become friends with the parents of his hospital friends. Hot shot's spirit of hope was help his four friends keep hope and faith that they would get also get their hearts some day too. 

Hot shot's bright smile was lighting up the CICU floor he was on. "Hello Hot shot," Quickshadow said she was coming for shift with him.

"Hi mummy," Hot shot said.

"How are you feeling today?" Quickshadow asked.

"A bit tired, but I am in a good mood," Hot shot said. 

"That's good to hear," Quickshadow said.

"I am thinking sometime very soon I will get the heart I am waiting for," Hot shot said.

"I am glad you haven't given up hope Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "I am glad you are very hopeful and keeping the faith that it will happen soon," she said. "You have great attitude and strong spirit," she said. "You are very brave and determined," she said. "Many people here at Texas children's say even though you are only five and going through so much you are very much an inspiration," she said. 

"How? Hot shot asked.

"You haven't given up your hope, you are doing all that the doctors and nurses asking you to do without complaining, you are facing each scary challenge you are facing with courage and wanting it to be done, even though it scares you. You are helping friends your are keep up hope and not give up and be strong. You are being very strong too despite what is happening. You know your condition is serious. Despite going through big feelings you have, you still are a happy child," she said. "You are allowing your smile to light up the heart failure CICU floor, you are also inspiring patients on this floor who don't even know you and are amazed by how you are taking this in stride after finding out what happened," she said. "Many people of all different ages respect that in a person," she said. "Especially in someone as young as you," she said. "I am proud to call you my son," she said.

"Awe shucks," Hot shot said smiling and starting to blush. Hot shot was feeling pretty proud of himself he was doing much for just staying strong and not giving up hope.

Hot shot was still waiting for his heart when June was about to end and it was soon going to be July. But Hot shot still hasn't given up hope on a heart. Heatwave and Quickshadow couldn't be more proud of their son. It made them very happy to see Hot shot remain strong despite his health being bad and needing a new heart. It made them stronger to see him standing strong. Hot shot was going to keep being strong while waiting for his heart transplant and he was never ever going to give up hope!

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