chapter 4 | authority

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Sanemi’s POV

The next morning I woke up to the sound of an irritating alarm, I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head. I heard the shuffling of Obanai as he got out of bed and walked over to the window, ripping the curtains open.

“What’s your deal? It’s like seven in the morning,” I groaned, peeking out from under the pillow to look at him grabbing a bag out of his closet.

“I’m getting ready for school,” he said bluntly.

“But breakfast isn’t until eight,” I said in annoyance, I didn’t want to have to get up for another hour. “Does it really take you an hour to do your beauty routine?”

He glared at me, “Feel free to go back to sleep,” he hissed, then he took his bag, slipped his shoes on at the door and then left the room.

I promptly returned to sleep right after.

When I woke up again, it was because Obanai made a point to slam the door loudly on his way to the school buildings after he’d gotten back from the showers. My phone rested on the desk where the charger actually reached, I got up and checked the time. Seven fifty-six, I sighed and walked over to the closet where I had shoved the three uniforms I was given at the office when I first got here along with the two gym uniforms.

It was a simple black uniform. Black pants, a white dress shirt, a black belt, a striped black and grey tie and a black blazer with the school crest on it. One of the uniform packages came with a sweater vest with the crest instead of a blazer. 

I decided to ditch the tie and the belt. I wore the pants, shirt and blazer, though I didn’t bother to button up the shirt all the way or even tuck it into my pants. I would follow the rules here, but only to an extent until I figured out how to get home as soon as possible.

I stepped out of my room and already I was completely annoyed, everyone was being so damn loud so early in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and started down the hall, as I walked some kid ran right into me.

“Watch where you’re going,” I told him in a threatening tone with a glare, he looked at me awkwardly and mumbled a quick ‘sorry’ with a nervous nod before running off.

“You shouldn't be mean to the juniors y'know,” someone said from behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the advisor, I forgot his name. “Why not?” I was expecting him to start lecturing me about how bullying is wrong and shit.

“Because if they like you, they’ll do things for you, no questions asked,” he said with a monotone voice like manipulation was no big deal.

I raised a brow with a little smirk, “And here I thought you were a little goodie two shoes.”

“You don’t even know me,” he said simply as he continued walking down the hall.

“Yeah, but I can already tell,” I told him as I walked next to him.

“How? Just because I told you you’re not allowed to smoke?” he asked.

“Among other things,” I smirked.

“You should really tuck in your shirt, and wear your belt and tie,” he said as he turned around and pointed to my outfit. “This is against dress code.”

I rolled my eyes, “What are you gonna do about it? Write me a citation.”

He narrowed his eyes at me, “I suggest you learn some respect, you’ll be surprised how far that gets you here,” there was a tone in his voice that suggested he was threatening me but the look I read on his face told me he was bluffing to get me to listen to him. He had no real authority.

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