9- Arthur

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Tonks's POV-

The problem with Remus had turned out to be a lot worse than we thought, so in the end Sirius peformed a memory charm. Its a bit odd knowing that we've experienced something with him he doesn't even know about, but its less awkward. We've told the kids to keep it to themselves too, by letter of course as they're already partway through the school year. He's starting to get used to seeing me with scars, but still feels really guilty.

At least we're friends and get on, we sometimes have duty together and talk as often as possible; meaning when Sirius and his eyebrows aren't nearby. The way I feel for him hasn't really faded, if anything its got stronger. I just know he doesn't feel the same way. But at least we can still be friends.

Life has been hell for both of us recently, I've had Umbridge breathing down my neck at work and she's increased the pressure on werewolves. More than once, words have been carved into the back of my hand, namely consisting of 'I will respect my superiors'. Its obvious everyone hates her, so why she bothers to act so frilly and prissy I don't know.

"Hey Tonks." I was reawoken from my thoughts by Remus walking into the room, and I could already feel the smile tugging at my lips.

"Wotcha." I nodded, moving up on the sofa so that he had more space, "What are you up to?"

"Nothing really." He shrugged, sitting down with a sigh, "Theres nothing I can do. How about you?"

"There's lots of things I should be doing, but I figured Umbridge can find someone who doesn't have the name Tonks if she wants it done." I joked, blushing slightly as Remus let out a low chuckle.

"Hey Moony." Sirius slouched into the room, sitting opposite us. The Order was a far cry from what it used to be, even my hyperactive cousin had started to mope, "What you up to?"

"We've just been through this conversation." I grinned, "But just talking really." Sirius let out a low wolf whistle, waggling those goddam eyebrows of his.

Quiet followed, I shuffled slightly on my seat, my blush finally dying down.

We were still sat in silence when Molly ran into the room. She had had tears streaming from her eyes and her face was bright red.

"Molly!" I gasped, jumping up. I pulled her into a tight hug, my face getting paler by the second as panic kicked in.

"Its Arthur." She sobbed into my shoulder, shaking violently as sobs wracked her body. My brain filled with ideas and possibilities of what could have happened, each less likely than the first, "He got attacked."

My breath hitched in my throat and my muscles tightened, pure panic filling my body.

"Where is he?" Remus asked all businesslike, rising from his seat.

"St Mungos." Molly said tearfully, "It was You-Know-Who's snake. Oh Dora, they don't know if he'll make it. I can't bear to lose him."

"He'll be fine." I said as comfortingly as I could, "Now get over to St Mungos. He needs you more than anything right now."

"Wait for the kids, please." She said over her shoulder as she ran out of the room, still crying hysterically.

The moment she was out of the door, I collapsed back into the seat, shaking with a mixture of nerves and panic.

Remus's POV-

I could see Tonks was about to have a panic attack, her whole body was shaking, her eyes were wide and her hair turned to a bright white. I also returned to my seat, occasionally shooting her worried glances. After a couple of seconds, she spoke in a hoarse, dry voice.

"I was meant to be on duty tonight." Both Sirius and me looked up sharply, eyes locked on her. Her face was so pale that it almost glowed and she twitched every couple of seconds, "Arthur said I was too tired and he wouldn't mind. Oh my Merlin that should have been me." She leant forwards, resting her head in her hands, "Whats Molly going to do?"

"She'll be fine Tonks." Sirius said doubtfully, though he tried to cover it, "They'll all be fine." She nodded slowly, trying to convince herself more than anything.

"Is it okay if I go?" She asked, looking up at me, "Its just I think I should be getting back."

"You can stay if you want to." Sirius smiled weakly across at her, running a hand through his already messy hair, "Have the spare room if it helps."

"No thanks." She said blankly, standing up, "I'll just go. Tell Molly I send my love if you see her."

I watched as she walked out, still a chalky white. Even Sirius made no joky remark as I watched her leave, he may be immature but he knew about right times and places.

"Are the kids coming round?" Sirius asked after a couple of seconds, glancing at the clock which read ten at night.

"Yeah." I shrugged quietly, looking over at the door as I heard noises coming from the kitchen, "That'll probably be them now."

I pushed myself up once more, ignoring the creak of the sofa and headed out into the hall.

"Remus!" Ginny shouted my name as I walked in, running towards me with tears streaming into her long red hair, "When can we see him?"

"I don't know." I admitted, "Your Mum will probably call for you when its fine. Don't worry though, he'll be alright. It wasn't that bad."

"Thanks." Ron mumbled, making his way through to where Sirius was sitting. The others followed, leaving me alone in the kitchen. Merlin how many people was this war going to hurt, or worse.

A.N- Sorry, I know its crap but my ideas are getting worse and worse each time :-(. Please forgive me?:'-(.

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