17- Anger and Tears

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Tonks's POV-

"What's that to do with me?" I asked angrily, though the tears were threatening to burn into my eyes. My best friend Izsy was standing in front of me, arms crossed and a death glare worthy of my mother.

"Well." She began snappily, "Its just that you're not telling me anything anymore. The night that Sirius Black, who was your cousin, dies, you arrive in St Mungos with severe torture injuries and a cracked skull. You must have been there so who else was and why were you? And, why did I find a packet of cigarettes in your room yesterday, you said you gave up ages ago. And, why is your hair brown and you just don't make an effort anymore?" She finished with an exasperated cry, falling back onto my sofa.

"Look Iz," I tried to improvise my way out of it, but one look at her face and I knew it was hopeless, "OK. I was there when Sirius," my voice hitched slightly but I carried on, "died. Bellatrix tortured and knocked me out. He died just after, that's all I swear. The packet was just an old one I found in my drawer."

"It was dated Monday." She cut me off bitterly, "Its a bad habit Nymph. You did it before and you'll do it again. Stop, please. But you haven't finished answering, your hair?" She raised a finger to the ratty mess of brown that replaced my customary shade of pink with a tear on her cheek.

"Its just that..." I mumbled, twisting my fingers as I struggled with how to respond, "Well... someone whos kind of... at least... that I care for a lot has done something stupid. Very stupid and it hurt me a lot." I broke off, unsure of how to continue. Thankfully, Izsy didn't say anything, just sat there mutinously, mulling it over in her head.

She had just opened her mouth to speak when a large flash of white filled the room and a blazing ball of light flew in through the window. It quickly assumed the form of a weasel, swirling through the air before starting to speak.

"Hello Dora dear." I smiled weakly as Mollys familiar voice drifted out of it. Izsy was sending me questioning looks, but I shushed her and turned my attention to it, "I just wanted to let you know there's a meeting on in five minutes. Its quite important so you need to come. Its here at the Burrow. See you in a minute. Molly." It disappeared in another flash of light, the room returning to its dim state.

"What was th-?" Izsy started to say, but I cut her off with an exasperated cry.

"Do you ever stop asking questions?" I was hurrying around the room, grabbing my coat and pulling it on, "It was a summons from my friend. I really need to go. Sorry Iz." I gave her a quick hug before taking a handful of floo powder and disappearing away through the fireplace.

Remus's POV-

"You have to tell her Remus." Molly said sternly, "It'll break her heart. I've known her since Charlie brought her home in third year. She's a lot more sensitive than you might think."

"She'll be fine." I said nervously, "Its better this way. For the both of us, I can give her nothing."

It was at that moment that the subject of our conversation arrived, staggering and covered in soot. I turned around quickly, my head snapping up. Nymphadora Tonks looked just as beautiful as usual, though the streak of soot down one cheek and the brown hair made me do a double take.

"You need to clean that out Molly." She grinned brightly, but it fell from her face when she saw me, "Oh, hey Rem.". I looked helplessly at Molly, but she just glared back, her brown eyes full of irritation.

"Hi Tonks." I said weakly, "Are you alright?" It was pathetic, I knew, but my mind was at a loss.

"Fine thanks." She muttered, looking away pointedly rather than look me in the eye. I had just opened my mouth to ask if I could talk to her, but was interrupted by Mad-eye shouting,

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