Daddy issues

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I woke up and got in the shower to clear my head I washed my hair and changed into a white shirt with pink graphics and pink Victoria secret shorts.


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I then hear my mom in the kitchen and I go down to ask her about my dad. " hola mamá" " hola baby" " so um do you know anything about dad?" I say " why do you ask that hun?" She says " well because he text me and he kinda called me a bitch" I say " oh um I'll talk to him about" she says "what do you mean talk to him?" I say  " well he's coming to stay with us for a while" she says " you mean he's staying here" I say my voice slowly getting louder turning into yelling.

" yes he's going to stay here" she says "well that means I need to leave then cause I'm not staying here with him" i say " no mi amor please stay" " no I'm not staying to get hit by him and I'm older now so if he tried to put his hands on me I'm gonna deck him and then I'm gonna be the problem so no" I say " you can't put your hands on your dad" she says " oh so I can't put my hands on him but he can put his on me wow mom that's fucked up and you're just gonna let him hit you I guess and he's not my dad he lost those privileges when he first hit me" I yell at her " but honey- "DONT CALL ME HONEY IM LEAVING I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU" I yell my voice breaking but I hold back my tears.

I go into my room and pack my bags I then go outside and put them in my car I honestly don't know where I'm gonna go. As I'm backing out the driveway I get a call from " mi amor😘" I anwser it on the verge of tears " hello" I say my voice cracking up " what's wrong? He says " my mom just told me that my dad is staying with us after all he did and I need to get out of there even though I have no where to stay" I say " come stay with me" he says " no I can't" I say " please" he says " ok fine I'll text you when I get there, love you" I say " love you too" and I hang up.

On my way to Miguel's house I couldn't help but think why would my mom be stupid enough I let him back into her life after all he did. I make it to his house and see him waiting for me outside I grab my bags and he take them from me because in the words of Miguel " I'm too pretty to be carrying bags". We then head inside and I greet his mom. " Hi Wendy" " hey hunny how are you?" " uh I'm good" " are you sure?" She says " no but I'll figure it out" " ok hun" she say while hugging me and kissing me on my forehead.

Me and Miguel head upstairs to his room. " so what you wanna do?" He asks " oh um we can go for a walk or something" I say " sure let's go" he says we head downstairs and tell his mom where we're going we then go on a walk and decide to get food once we make it back home we get a text from the group asking if we wanted to hangout " you wanna go?" I say "Yea do you?" he asks "Yea" I say I change into grey cargo pants and a grey cropped graphic tee


*+you can change it if you want loves🌸*+

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*+you can change it if you want loves🌸*+

We meet up at an arcade and we get our tickets and go our separate ways if we wanted to play a different game. Me and Miguel went to play a basketball game and little does he know I use to play basketball so I'm about to whoop his ass in this game. " ur ass at this game" I say while smiling and hooping " bet" he then came behind me and tried to mess me up I just continued playing while he wrapped his arms around my waist the game was over and the group walked up to us " get a room" Mason said " I don't know about yall but I'm hungry" Maddy says " yea" everyone agreed Miguel then got off and we walked to the counter to order food everyone got their food and we sat down at the table.

Everyone is making jokes and laughing until I get a text from unknown

Come get your shit out of my house
It's not your house anyway bitch
Watch your mouth
I'm gonna whoop your ass when you get here
Try me

Everyone quickly notices my smile turns into a frown as I grab my keys " woah what's up?" Brady asked " my so called dad wants me to come get my shit from the house" I say " ok we'll come with you" they say " fine" I say running to my car. Miguel then gets in " are you sure you wanna go back home while your dad is there" he says " first he isn't my dad and second I need to get all my stuff out because I'm not going back" I say "well where are you going?" He says " don't worry" I say starting the car and driving to my moms house when I make it there I see my father standing infront of the house waiting for me I immediately run up to him ready to deck him for everything he has done Miguel holds me back and my father grabs my wrist to pull me towards him Miguel then grabs me and tells my dad to keep his hands off of me that's when everything went down.

He walks up to Miguel and I stand infront of him because I'm not gonna let him hurt anyone else I love he then pushes me to the ground and Miguel tries to run up but the group holds him back that push triggered every memory of when he hit me so I started raging I then get up and punch my dad in his face over and over again to the point where his face was bleeding Maddy had to pull me off of him because wasn't gonna stop if no one stopped me. I got up and everyone drove to Miguel's place when we walked in Wendy's jaw dropped " what happened mija are you ok? " yes I'm fine" I say there was blood all on my hands and on my stomach " come here" she says the groups went up to Miguel's room and Miguel was the last one as he sent me a proud look.

His mom cleans me up after I told her she didn't have to multiple times and then I went upstairs they were proud of me for standing up for myself we all just chat and the rest of the group goes home Miguel then falls asleep but I just can't sleep I then hear a *+ding*+ I check my phone to see that I got a email after that I was finally able to sleep....

~Enemies to Lovers~ Miguel Mora x readerWhere stories live. Discover now