|When the cast of The Black Phone meets up for filming two of the cast members bicker at eachother but one day it ends| read to find out what happens next...
I woke up ready to start the day. I brush my teeth and do my hair I then go to the kitchen and play Christmas music and I start cooking breakfast for everyone I blast the music so everyone will wake up.
I hear everyone getting up and coming to the kitchen. "Yo why are you up so early" Brady says " duh because it's Christmas" i say "of course she's always like this on Christmas" Mason says " of course!" I say as I walk over to Maddy grabbing her hands and we start dancing and Miguel just laughed the whole time.
Everyone is now awake up and dancing. I made hot chocolate and cookies after I finished making breakfast and then i turned on a movie and we sat there eating. We just enjoyed eachothers company and made jokes, shared a few laughs.
And then came gift time I was super nervous about what Miguel would say about my gift but I kept my cool. Mason got a hoodie, cologne, and some of his fav snacks and I got him a pair of shoes, Brady got glasses, graphic tees and snacks I also got him some shoes now that I think about it I got all the boys shoes. Anyways, Maddy got some jewelry, some crop tops, hoodies and her fav snacks,For Tristan I got him some jeans and cargo pants because he's always complaining about how I look better than him when I wear them and Miguel got some graphic tees, his fav snack and I got him some Jordan 4's to match mine.
And me I got perfume, Jewelry, cargo pants, crop tops, and Miguel got me some matching shoes as well. Then at the end I was getting Miguel's gift and when I turned around he had one for me as well we were both surprised and I told him he could go first. He gave me his and it was a promise ring and a bracelet I looked in the box and it said "will you be mine?" I started crying and immediately gave him a hug " yes of course I will" I then gave him his and he said yes.
We then see a flash "DUDE DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO WORK A PHONE TURN THE FLASH OFF" Tristan says as he hits Mason and Maddy just laughs.
TIME SKIP The directors are taking us out for dinner so we get ready I put on some flowy jeans a dark blue crop top and a dark blue blazer
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We head to the car and go to dinner we sit at a different table than the directors me and Miguel sit next to eachother and he puts his arm around me and we both have on our matching rings. Dinner was great but spending the time with the people I love and some more than others was way better...