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-chapter four-

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-chapter four-


"It's our last day! Are you excited for rookie training?"

Layla nodded. "Can't wait!" It had officially been six months and it was her last day training.

"Officer Hicks and Officer Juarez reporting for duty!"

Layla chuckled. "Starting next Monday morning." She spoke subconsciously playing with her necklace.

Celina turned the camera off as Layla thought to herself.

She was excited. Very excited. Along with her training her and Tim had their six month anniversary together the week before. The two were going on strong and Layla began to see herself only being with him the rest of her life.

She then frowned to herself before she shook her head. Sad that her parents weren't interested in being apart of her life anymore.

"Am I finally going to meet your mystery man at graduation?" Celina spoke nudging her shoulder.

Layla blushed heavily before she shook her head. "I don't think so." She paused. She didn't even know if Tim would be attending it.

Obviously she hoped he would but she knew it wouldn't be definite answer. She just had to ask.

"I haven't asked him." Layla spoke with a small nod. "But I will. Tonight."

"You better, because me meeting him the night I was black out drunk doesn't count!" Celina giggled before she nudged Layla. "I just want to meet the guy who makes you happy because you deserve it."

"Thank you, and you deserve to find someone who makes you equally as happy."

"Recruits!" Celina and Layla pulled out of their conversation as the captain stepped in the room.

"Listen up please." He spoke. "Throughout the last twenty seven weeks you guys have persevered and accepted many challenges. You are on the way to becoming cops. Though the training isn't over. Your journey here at the academy is." He paused. "I expect to see you all on Friday morning prepared to graduate." The girls smiled at each other before everyone else broke out in cheers and applause. "Get some rest now, because you won't get any when you're rookies."

SECRETS ♡ TIM BRADFORD Where stories live. Discover now