Chapter Seventeen

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Sydney's gone when I wake up the next morning, which is predictable since we have school, but it's still disappointing.

I get out of bed with a flurry of emotions-sadness, anger, happiness, excitement-everything that has to do with my dad or Sydney.

I understand now why my mere presence makes my grandfather mad, but I guess now we're in the angry boat together.

After throwing on my uniform and brushing my hair, I grab my book bag and try to duck out of the house an hour or so before everyone's up, even Dawn.

The fact is, I need to be alone to process this on my own because I've always done that-processed alone because I've never had friends before.

I take the public bus to school and sit outside in the parking lot, thinking and watching as students start to pile in.

None of this is as easy as I want it to be. There's not just me my scumbag of a father has to think about; it's Nick.

Nick and I aren't the best of friends-hell, I've barely talked to him, but lying to him feels wrong.

I'm not angry about him not wanting to see me as much as I am asking Sydney to lie to one of her best friends.

It feels wrong. Everyone's life could've stayed the way it was if we never came back...

If I were never born.

I sit there, watching and waiting until the first bell signaling first period begins rings, and then I have to get up.

• ✿ • ✿ •

After second period, I go to my locker to find Sydney leaning against it while looking down at her phone.

I seriously wonder if this'll become a regular thing, and I'm excited if it does.

"Hey," I find myself smiling like an idiot.

"Hey, bunny socks," she looks up at me, this twinkle in her brown eyes as she smiles.

"So... where'd you go this morning?" I ask, making it sound like I'm all mad, which causes her smile to grow even wider.

"To get dressed," she chuckles. "Someone obviously missed me."

"Yeah, yeah," I open my locker and go to find my book for the next period.

"You should come over after school," she says. "My dad might be off work, so you can meet him and shit."

"Aren't you going to be at By-Pass after school?" I ask, brows furrowed-I don't want her to change her schedule for me.

"No," she shakes her head. "Zoey has a doctor appointment and Nick says he wants to stay in," she shrugs. "I also really want to watch a movie with a really cute and shy girl whose name starts with an E but ya know, no pressure," she jokes.

"Ah yeah," I smile, trying so hard not to giggle, "I wonder who she is."

"So you wanna come over?"

"Yes," I reply with a chuckle. After getting my book, I close my locker door. "Not only do I get to be with you but get away from my family, which is good."

"I know, I'm a joy to be around," she grins innocently.

"Oh yeah? Says who-Mr. Ansley."

"Shut it," she rolls her eyes but smiles before pulling me into a kiss-and oh my god, just like yesterday, I feel butterflies racing in my stomach.

Between her soft and plump lips and her usual smell of roses, I'm in heaven-until the warning bell rings and the two of us have to separate.

"Mm," she smiles against my lips, "I'll see you later."

"Yep," I try not to giggle but god, she's making me weak in the knees.

• ✿ • ✿ •

Because I don't want to smell like, well, school-ya know, sweat and cafeteria food-my plan is to duck inside my house after school and get dressed. Unfortunately for me, that's not the case.

Mom's gone when I get home from school, but grandma's sitting at the kitchen island, facing the door and looking at her phone with a pink envelope beside her.

Shit-guess my plan won't go as I thought.

I try to go in and quickly walk past her without saying a word, but she says, "Hold it," and I stop.

"Hi," I turn around, mentally wanting to slap myself.

"Hey," the older woman turns off her phone and turns to face me. "How was school?"

"I'm not playing this game with you again," I tell grandma-or mom, goddamn it, I have this-reconstructing my views on what I used to call my family just to call them what they really are to me.

"Fine," she nods, "sit," she pats the stool next to her, and as I go to reluctantly sit, she continues, "You know, under any other circumstances I wouldn't take this kind of disrespect."

No shit, Sherlock, I raise my brow.

"But," she goes on, ignoring my look, "I get it. You're angry and it's understandable."

"Yeah, because you lied to me and held it over my little cousin's head," I scoff, folding my arms over my chest in a huff.

"And yes, that was wrong but..." the woman pauses, "Don't be mad at Leeanna-or even George," she sighs. "See, Evelyn, the fact of the matter is, this whole situation is my fault and... instead of trying to fix it, I let it get worse."

"It takes two to be shitty," I say. "Ha, sometimes a whole team."

"Don't be like that..."

"Grandma-mom-whoever you are-I have something to do and-"

"No. You're going to sit here and I'm going to tell you the truth," she replies sternly.

"You had seventeen years to do that!" I argue. "Right now, I just want to be with Sydney, okay-not here. I want to leave," I go to stand up-and she doesn't argue back.

Looking defeated, she lets me go.

I don't want to hear her out-I know the truth-I was lied to and now they want me to lie to Nick. I have a brother-a fucking twin! And was lied to.

Nick and I could've been like Dipper and Mabel, but no.

They had to keep everything a secret. And now my whole life feels like it's falling apart and all I want to do is be with Sydney.

Not here where everything reminds me of the lies I've been fed for seventeen years.

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