42. Cody Weightman ❤️

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The long-awaited bell that symbolised the end of the day finally rang, a hoard of kids rushing out of the gate. I kept my eyes peeled for one, though, Isla. It took a while, but not long after, I saw a small girl in a sling, her blonde hair bouncing around. It was her first day back today after surgery, and I knew she was excited to be back, but she seemed a bit nervous. Oh no, had something happened.

“How was school, sweetie?” I asked, picking her up.

“Miss T wants to talk to you” she nervously fiddled with her sling. "Here we go. I put her down as she led me to her classroom. Her teacher was in there, rearranging things. I do not think Isla would have done anything bad.

“Hi, I'm Samantha Isla’s teacher,” she said, shaking my hand. She seemed nice.

“Cody, Islas dad” I replied, shaking her hand.

“I just wanted to speak to you about an incident that happened in class with Isla” It is her second year of school, and she is already in trouble. Here we go.

“She’s not in trouble, but would it be okay if she went to the classroom next door with one of her other teachers” Relief immediately washed over me, I knew she did nothing wrong.

“Yeah, that's okay," I said, hugging Isla and watching as she walked through the glass doors, which separated the two classrooms.

“Okay so during lunch today she was hanging out on the footy field with a few  older boys and her friends but two of them went to the bathroom and while they were gone one of the boys started scribbling on her cast and talking quite rudely to her and saying things like ‘your dads a flop’ ‘girls can't play footy’ ‘cry-baby’ ‘You're faking your injuries you can't mark’ and  other things I think you can imagine” my heart sunk, I always knew that people hated me but I never thought that my career would affect her, I sat there in silence, not knowing what to say or to do. “I wouldn't usually do this, but I just wanted to let you know because I found Isla crying at lunch and I didn’t think it would be fair for you not to know because she seemed really hurt about the comments made to you and her.

“Yeah, umm, thanks for that. I really appreciate it” She sadly nodded. At least I knew Isla was in good hands by the looks of it.
“Yeah, I’m really sorry about it all. If it happens again, I’ll make sure to get you or Grace in” she spoke, shaking my hand again.
“Thanks” She then got Isla again. Isla looked flat, her eyes red as well, she was crying.
“Did she tell you what they said about you?” she asked as we walked through the corridors. I stopped her and kneeled to be the same height as hers, placing my hand on her shoulders.
“Isla, I don't mind what they said about me, as long as you're okay” It hurt me a lot hearing about what they said to her, just wait until those boys have a daughter that likes footy, then they would understand all too late.
“But they were being mean-” she said in her high-pitched voice, sounding a little angry. I shook my head as I watched her try and storm off. What a cutie. I ran up behind her and picked her up, pulling her bag around my other shoulder. As we walked out into the yard.
“Daddy put me down” she whispered in an urgent tone. Looking over to the small footy oval they had. The group of boys were hanging around dangerously close to us.
“Look, it's Isla and the flop,” one of them said, laughing and pointing at me. This was ridiculous. They had a lot of nerve to say that to an adult.
“Don’t say that to my dad-” Isla began to yell before I shushed her.
“Isla they’re not worth it okay” she sides eyed me, a frown upon her face. It sucks to admit, but I should not do anything. The best thing to do was to just leave.
“So, Cody,” one of the boys said, coming up to me. “Did she actually dislocate her elbow, or did she fake it like you” the nerve.
“I didn't fake it, and neither did she, '' I said, walking away.
“Any proof” I would hate to be this guy's parents. I put down Isla and pulled up my phone, searching for the x-rays.
“Here” I said, showing him and trying to walk away again.
“So, did she actually get the mark?” he asked.
“Yep, and she can play footy” For the final time, I tried to walk away, but they stopped us once again.
“Bet you she’s really bad at it after all she is a cry-baby” that is it, I have had enough, I picked up Isla and walked away, their parents immediately coming to them and telling them off.
“Isla don't listen to them, they don't know you okay” She sadly nodded, which broke me, but I could not show her that, I had to be strong for her.
It was hard telling Grace what happened, but what was even worse was that the media found out somehow, and now I had an interview booked about it. I was not comfortable with the idea at all, but I knew I had to, I had to stand up for Isla.
A week later, I found myself outside of Whitten oval, coming out of training with a guy in front of me with a mic and camera crew around me.
“So great performance from you on the weekend, obviously coming back from a tough week with your daughter, obviously.”
“Uhm yeah thanks, it was a pretty tough week, but I think that gave me a bit of a reason to fight and get the win for Isla.” 
“So, we had reports about an incident that involved you and your daughter and a bunch of schoolboys,” he said laughing, how was this funny, oh yes, a group of 11-year-old boys thinking they are better than everyone else and verbally attacking my daughter is very entertaining.
“Well I’m not too interested in saying anything about it and all I can say is that there was a group of boys constantly having a go at Isla saying things like ‘girls can’t play footy’ and accusing her of faking things” I said and that was all I wanted to say.

“There were also accusations of you being called a flog. Is that true?” I was so done.

“Umm yeah there were a few comments like that but I don't really care about those comments, I mean usually they’re just trolls on the internet but it’s not that that's the bad part, I mean I get called that all the time so I’m sort of used to that” I laughed, it was hard to admit but I learnt not to care eventually. “I guess the part that’s a bit hard is when someone says things like that to your child so yeah pretty disappointing but nothing I can really do about it, I just hope those boys learn their lesson and hopefully they don't do it again” I said, trying to wrap it up.

“Anyways thank you, Cody, we’re all with you as well as tons of other players” yes right, I just wanted this over.
“Thanks” I said, walking back to my car, reading to go home to my babies and Gracie. They were the ones who were really with me.

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