|Chapter One|

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"I want you right here by my side, cuz' I'm dying to see your face

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"I want you right here by my side, cuz' I'm dying to see your face. You act like it's something to hideaway,"

There it is again.

You could feel your hand slowly travel up to the collar of the lab coat, you pulled at the piece of fabric, trying to find some form of breathing room in the suffocating moment. You had done many practices before with this, that's what the schooling was for... so why did you feel squeamish this time? You turned your back away from the rather gruesome sight, you were somewhat a doctor but more of a forensic pathologist, so you dealt with the aftermath of what happened to those unlucky officers that met their demise with the kaiju's. You shuddered at the thought of meeting such fate, they were monsters who just ravaged cities and took the lives of innocent people, and the officers were just human shields that were trying to protect the people.

You quickly dug through the cabinets in search of a mask. You placed the strings behind your ears and adjusted it, it was one of those late night attacks that the third division had to take care of. You threw on the blue surgical scrub suit and you dug through the box of the gloves to pull over your hands, stretching the glove to go over your hand and up to your wrist. You already had put your hair up and you placed a surgical cap to make sure nothing would entangled into your hair. You finished dressing your up and your ears perked up at the sound of the rustling outside the room, it was at the deepest level of the building due to the grim aura that emitted. You were sure that it was just doctors or nurses working with others to bring the dead down to the morgue until you or your other colleagues could get to them.

Now it was time to get to work, you ignored the continued hectic rustling outside from the attack and you quickly got to work so you could start working on the report you would later write and unfortunately deliver to the families of the victims. You usually let your thoughts wander while you worked, you didn't want to focus too much on the cutting of the bodies and imagining what their last moments looked like. No- you liked to imagine of what the world could be if there was no kaiju. You would've for sure gotten another job, probably something less grim than this...you would have loved to do something in gardening or owning some kind of shop that allowed you to build personal connections. But those were useless dreams in this world- not when the population kept decreasing and the kaiju kept increasing.

You hadn't realized how much time had passed as you kept day dreaming and taking note of the details you gathered. It was the same thing over and over again, the same repeating details that indicted a quick and violent death. You knew you still had a handful to take care of as your other peers did, each body required clean and precise cuts so no major damage was added. Each division had a few forensic pathologists on hand since the attacks could lead to big numbers and it was easy for them to get their hands full.

You kept working, pulling in one after another to try and get through the night. That was the worst time the attacks could've happened, especially since they were picking up as each day passes. Soon they were able to lower the numbers as the hours passed, and you slumped against the counter of the room, your hands slightly shaking from the exhaustion of the repeating cuts and jotting down of notes. You took in a moment to relish the silence that was now prominent, there was no shouts or loud voices nor was there any sounds of life outside of the room. You had already stitched every organ back , or at least of what was left and did your best to try and make the body look someone presentable so the mortician could do their job properly. You placed a cover over the body before rolling the body back to the proper place so it could be transferred to the funeral home.

Now it was time to try and get a little bit of rest, at least after you properly showered. You slowly opened the door and took a peek outside, it was empty and the lights were dim for the night. You made sure not a single person or colleague was around to see you in such a state, so you had rushed to remove the entire attire you were wearing to had some unpleasant splatters from the work. You took a quick glance in the reflection of the windows that you passed by, your hair was messy and unkempt and it stuck to your forehead due to some sweat you accumulated. You didn't want to imagine the lingering smell that probably was coming off of you, the thought was enough to embarrass you to the core.

You quickly rushed through the halls and you rather have taken the stairs up to the top to avoid any interactions with the officers that could have been wandering around from the recent events in the elevators. You wanted to get a few hours of sleep to try and present the reports to your superiors. Of course you never really interacted with them unless it was for work which was just reports.

That's how you liked it.

What you didn't appreciate was colliding with a wall- was the exhaustion finally coming down on you?

It wasn't a wall,

But a man...a really strong man.

You stumbled back, your hands flailing out a bit as you dropped the manila folder with your notes down to the ground. Your back hitting the actual wall this time and your hands were plastered flat against the wall to stable yourself from the forceful contact. A gasp leaving your lips as the person stumbled back only a few steps, you  snapped your head up and squinted to see who you bumped into. The first notable thing was the violet hair that was shaped into a decently bowl cut, and his eyes- they were violet as well. It was beautiful if it wasn't so late at night and when you were in this condition, how embarrassing!

"Yer alright?" Was the first thing the vice commander asked after the initial shock died down, and your  breathing was slightly heavy once you finally responded. "Y...yeah, I'm sorry Vice captain," you were quick to apologize and you dropped to your knees to pick up the thick Manila folder, you cursed under your breath as your hands clumsily picked up the file and you leaned onto the wall for support to pick yourself up. "I hope I'm not bothering you, please have a good night," you bowed your head for a moment, your cheeks reddening as you realized how disgusting you probably looked to him, you were quick to try and walk past him on the other side of the wall.

"Aye," he called out, he found the clumsy girl to be amusing and almost adorable in the way you seemed to try and stay away from him. "Thanks... for what yer do, take care Miss (Y/n)," the way he drawled out your name was enough to make your chest tighten. Seriously- when did you start to enjoy the little accents? Maybe it's was because he was so attractive...?

Your response was just a small squeak, it's like you tried to hum but it came out too high pitch so you just sped up your pace and shut the door once you reached the end of the hall. You wanted to just collapse and curl up until you disappeared from the face of the earth, and you prayed you would never have to see his face again and that your schedule would never align again. That's how it's been for the past while, so this should never happen again.

You failed to realize the vice captain looking back over his shoulder as you left, a small smirk making its way onto his lips as he vowed he would corner you again, as a good vice captain, he should know his colleagues well, right?


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