|Chapter Two|

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Luck was on your side for sure, so you headed straight to the showers after your embarrassing interaction with the vice captain and you even dozed off a bit in there but you managed to pull yourself through some endless scrubbing before drying yourself off and passing out on your bed.

Life was back to its peaceful self.

For now.

You found yourself slowly rolling to the side of the bed, your fingers kept pressing down on the side button of your phone to snooze the persistent alarms. You knew that the reports wouldn't be due the day after the attacks because the captains and higher ups would be focusing on the aftermath and reports on kaiju's. You'd probably start working on them later in the day and then present them the following few days. You then rolled onto your back and slowly opened your eyes to stare up at the ceiling.

You laid there for a moment, relishing in the warmth and comfort of the bed before slowly rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You might as well take another shower again, plus you weren't confident that the smell completely washed off and you desperately needed to get up to start the day. It was lunch time anyway, so it would be nice to have a meal before they stopped serving it.

While slowly sitting up and stretched, a soft yawn escaping your lips before you hopped off the bed and took a quick shower Scrubbing every crevice of your body, using your favorite scented perfumes and lotion to make your confidence somewhat high. You lazily dried your hair and brushed it so it looked somewhat neat, and you picked out the typical outfit; a pair of leggings and a dark colored shirt before throwing on a clean lab jacket. You liked to look professional so you wouldn't get confused with the officers or a random stranger.

You grabbed your identification card and clipped it to your breast pocket of the jacket before leaving the room. You occasionally bow your head in acknowledgment for the officers or other researchers that walked by, most people crowded the lunch area but most were leaving since you were arriving late. You felt a slight tinge of embarrassment at how long it took you to get ready, so you slightly jogged to reach the line and grabbed a small tray to go through and picked out what you liked. You were quite happy to get some of the leftovers, the meal would be decent.

Your smile immediately dropped as you felt a presence behind you, a voice, the same one that you heard last night.

"Good afternoon, Miss (Y/n)," was whispered into your ear, his breath slightly tickling your ear and you felt your hands get clammy in an instant. A soft warmth spreading across your cheeks and even to the tip of your ears. You were even sure that you had small beads of sweat on your nose due to the instant heat. You turned your head a bit to look at the smiley vice captain. "V..Vice captain," you greeted back, a slight crack in the beginning which made you cringe. You picked up the tray and slowly turned around to face him, your eyes bouncing between the exit and to your familiar colleagues. There was a brief silence between the two of you, it was like as if the gaze of the man was stabbing into you, maybe he was waiting for you to say more?

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