|Chapter Four|

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———————————————————-Soshiro knew he was going to be fine, it was just minor injuries he sustained

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Soshiro knew he was going to be fine, it was just minor injuries he sustained. So when he woke up after resting he wasn't really surprised to see that only a few officers came by to check on him, even Captain Ashiro took the time out of her schedule to check on him. It was nice to get some rest after a few days of straight training, yet when his fellow officers left he slumped back against the bed.

Had you really left?

The interaction between you two was short since the doctors and nurses were treating his wounds, yet you did stay with him for that time being. He couldn't help but giddy over hearing your silly stories that did a great job in distracting him, he did take note of everything you liked and disliked, and he wanted more. But all he did was just lean his head back, eyes staring up at the ceiling. He didn't pay any mind to the door sliding open, he assumed it was another officer or even one of the doctors.

But those violet eyes snapped down when he heard the familiar squeak, and he was greeted by the sight of your figure hunched over, (e/c) eyes glancing down at the tray of food that almost spilled over due to your clumsiness. Then they snapped up to meet Hoshina's, you both stared at each other- which apparently now became a norm for the two of you.

"I brought you lunch!" You blurted out as you sped run to his side, the tray with food slightly bouncing with you as you almost bumped into the edge of the bed. You managed to stop, but the aching nervousness that consumed you made you jumpy and even had a few sweat beads growing on your nose from how close you were to him. Hoshina's lips were in little 'o' until he looked over to see the tray in front of his face, then they curved into that goofy smile.

"Well ain' ya sweet," he couldn't help but coo at you as your hands set the tray down on his lap. He enjoyed the visible blush that came over your face as you took your hands back, "You're welcome, I got up early to get you the good stuff of course- I never realized they had so many options when you got up early." You ranted about it as you set a glass of water down by the table side. You seemed a little more comfortable as you took a seat that you pulled up from the previous night, at least you weren't scurrying off like before.

"I'm surprised ya came back... thought I scared ya," he admitted with a small chuckle at the end, you gave your head a tilt and you waved your hand in dismissal. "I'm not scared away by you that easily..." you seemed a little bashful that he thought of you like that- you didn't want to come off as scared or that you didn't want to be around him. "I just... I'm a little awkward I guess," you tried to shrug it off, watching as he ate. You leaned over to grab a napkin and you handed it to him.

That's how it was between the two of you.

There was something so tender that you two shared. Maybe it was the way that Hoshina seemed so relaxed when he spoke to you, or maybe it was the little sparks of interest that you both shared with each other. The awkwardness you had felt was subsiding the more you listened to him talk, and you were getting a little bolder too. Your hand was resting on the rail, your fingertips gently leaning over to hover over his to trace patterns over the air as you commented on his stories.

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