Part- 5 (A hilarious headach ) 🤯

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      Hey, Bo! My cousin told me that we can meet Mr. Li tomorrow at 11 am," Chen said, excitement evident in his voice.

Yiun' s eyes widened with joy. "That's amazing, Chen! I can't believe it! We have to make the most of this opportunity."

Chen nodded. "Definitely! After meeting Mr. Li, we can head to the hospital ."

The next day, they arrived at Mr. Li's office, where Chen's cousin was already waiting for them in the reception area.

"Hey, guys! I'm so sorry, but Mr. Li just left for an urgent meeting. You know how busy he is lately," Chen's cousin said, apologetic. "And, unfortunately, you don't have an appointment. But don't worry, I'll try to schedule a meeting for you next time."

Yiun's face fell, disappointment evident. "Oh no... I was really hoping to get some guidance and feedback from him on my painting. It would mean so much to me, especially since I'm planning to enter the"Golden Brush "competition. I'm really nervous about rejection..."

Chen put a reassuring hand on Yiun's shoulder. "Don't worry, Bo. We'll try again. And even if we don't meet Mr. Li, we'll find other ways to improve your art. You're talented, and with dedication and hard work, you'll increase your chances of getting selected for the competition. Let's focus on creating amazing art, and the rest will follow."

Yiun nodded . hmm..

In green tech venture

             The meeting room was shrouded in an eerie silence, the air thick with tension. The employees' eyes were cast down, their faces pale and sweaty, as if fear had taken hold of their very souls. The only sound was Sean's voice, echoing off the walls like a thunderclap, his words dripping with disdain. 

Sean slammed his fist on the desk, his face red with anger, "A deal with Green Field Energy ? Are you kidding me? Their so-called 'green' technology is nothing but a marketing gimmick!"

His assistant, Xuan , took a step back, looking concerned. "Boss calm down. We thought this was a great opportunity—"

Sean cut him off. "Opportunity  ?  Are you serious? Their 'green' tech is just a cover for their dirty energy practices. I won't let our company be associated with such frauds! Green Field Energy is a fraud, a sham, a cancer on the face of this industry!' He slammed his fist on the table, making the coffee cups tremble. 'We will never do business with them. Never!'how could u even think about it  ? 

Xuan tried to intervene, "Sir, let's discuss this calmly—"

But Sean was beyond reason. "No! I won't be swayed. Our company stands for sustainability and true green energy. We won't be tainted by GreenField's fake promises!"

Sean's anger was a force to be reckoned with, and his employees knew it all too well. They had seen it before, and they knew that it was better to keep their heads down and their mouths shut, lest they suffer the consequences.

The office fell silent, employees holding their breath as Sean's anger raged on.

Finally, he spoke, his voice low and menacing. "Cancel the deal. 

Xuan asked surprisingly : wh..... What?? 

Sean in raising voice : "Are u deaf or dumb? Can't u hear what I said.  Cancel deal, now !"

Xuan nodded hastily, relief washing over his face. "Y-yes, Boss . Right away."

Sean's anger slowly subsided, replaced by a sense of determination. "I won't let our company be tainted by GreenField's lies. We'll stick to our values, no matter what."

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