Part-20(Reopening old wounds)

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                    As they stepped out of the venue, a swarm of reporters ambushed them, their cameras and microphones at the ready. Sean, anticipating this frenzy, had already alerted his team to send reinforcements, but it would take a few moments for them to arrive. In the meantime, he instinctively wrapped a protective arm around Yiun . his parents, with Chen and have  shielding them from the onslaught. 

 Sean's face is stoic but yiun looks visibly shaken  clings to sean's arm.The reporters, sensing a juicy scandal, closed in like sharks. "Mr. Sean, are you involved in the embezzlement scheme?" one of them yelled, as another chimed in, ''Yiun, did you cheat to win the award?" The venue's security guards attempted to hold back the tide, but the reporters' voices still echoed through the air, a cacophony of accusations and questions and the flash light's that capturing every movement of sean and yiun. .

Sean's presence was like fuel to the fire, his fame as a famous entrepreneur and  the most handsome eligibility  bachelor is  only adding to the media's fervor. His fans following is massive and the reporters know that any news about him will generate huge interest.

In the midst of the chaos, Sean's eyes locked onto Yiun's, his gaze a steady anchor in the storm. he was determined to protect the people he cared about, no matter the cost.

 That time Another reporter shouted, "Mr. Sean, what's the nature of your relationship with Yiun?" followed by "Is Mr. Yiun using you for his own gain?" and "Mr. Sean, do you have any regrets about supporting him?"

These questions were enough to push Sean's patience to the limit. He was fed up with these stupid questions, and how dare they say such things about his love? They had no right to utter these words. If he could, he would have murdered those people who asked these petty questions. He couldn't control himself anymore. stepped towards the reporter, his eyes literally burning with anger, as if he would kill that person,his fists clenched... "What did you say?   What did you say...? Say it again..!" he growled.

The venue guards stopped him from reaching the reporter, but he harshly pushed them away. Then, Yiun sensing his gg's rage , rushed towards him and hugged him tightly to stop him from doing anything.

With a pleading tone he said "Please Gg.. stop.. Don't... Please..." His face was buried near Sean's collarbone, and tears were wetting Sean's shirt, the sight of yiun's distress brought him back to reality and he slowly regain control.

He wrapped his arms around Yiun, holding him close. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I ..i just can't stand them questioning my love, i am sry babe."

Just then, Xuan and Sean's security team arrived, surrounding them with a protective barrier. "Let's get out of here," Xuan said firmly, ushering them towards the waiting car.

As they escaped the chaos, Sean couldn't help but feel frustrated. Why did these unexpected challenges keep arising? He never want to see his love in tears , but it seemed like the world was against them.

                          They headed to Yiun's home, with Yiun and Sean in one car, and Yiun's parents and Chen in another. The atmosphere in the car was silent, with Yiun lying on Sean's chest, his eyes closed, and Sean wrapping his arms around him, gently caressing his head.

Upon arriving home, everyone went inside, and Chen bid them goodnight before heading to his own home. Sean, still with Yiun, asked, "Uncle, Aunt, may I stay here for a while with Yiun?"

Ms. Wang smiled warmly. "Of course, Sean. You're welcome to stay tonight. It's already late, and Bobo will feel better with you by his side. The guest room is next to Bobo's room , you can sleep their . If you need anything, just call me, okay?"

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