CHAPTER 9: trust me.

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   "Wait. We really just climb the fence and walk in?" you asked, completely and utterly bewildered.

   It was the next day, and you, Joker, and the rest of the team were standing outside Ace Chemicals, prepared to collect your poison. The day prior had been uneventful following your training session, so you spent it thinking about your first outing with your new team. You would finally be a part of something, finally united with a group of people under a common goal. You felt like a real criminal.

   You had been a little worried about looking out of place next to everyone. However, you looked amazing; clad in a golden dress and matching heels, you really fit in well. You had that intimidating, yet elegant vibe that everyone else on the team had. You belonged here, and you started to realize that.

   And now, as you were standing outside, you couldn't believe that entering the chemical plant would be so easy. All that was standing in your way was a chain-link fence. Sure, it was locked with a big, cartoony combination lock, but the fence was so low that it would take no time at all for you to climb it. This was such an official-looking building; abandoned or not, wouldn't the city work harder to secure it?

   "Yeah. I've done it loads of times," giggled William.

   "And there's really no security?" you verified, still unbelieving.


   "Wow. No wonder this city has so much crime. Everyone's so fucking lazy."

   "Works out for us, though," Shaun chimed in.

   Everyone had their own respective water guns in hand, and everyone chucked them over the fence so they could use two hands when climbing. As you climbed, you felt the cold air hit your face and sighed dreamily. This experience had barely begun, and it was already exhilarating.

   Once everyone landed safely on the other side of the fence, everyone picked up their guns and looked to Joker to lead them inside.

   With a motion to follow him, he did. And, just as everyone had said, the doors to Ace Chemicals were unlocked and accessible to anyone. Joker pushed it open, holding the door for you to enter before him.

   With a thankful nod, you stepped in, and he stepped in after you. This made the door close on Frost, who had been behind you. You couldn't help but chuckle. Joker had killed countless people, yet he was still chivalrous.

   As everyone started to file in, you began to observe the place. There wasn't much in this room, but to your right, there seemed to be an old receptionist's desk with a filing cabinet behind it. You could not even begin to imagine what Ace Chemicals would need a receptionist for, since it was never open to the general public. No one was calling to preorder a vat of acid or to tour the place. The only thing you could think of was that maybe a receptionist would be taking job applications.

   Beyond this room, you couldn't see much, but a weird, unpleasant smell hit your nose. It was sharp, and it felt like the exact type of thing you weren't supposed to be smelling. You figured that must mean some of the chemicals were stored beyond the tacky metal doorframe of this room.

   "Should we wear a mask or something?" you asked stupidly. "Is to be breathing all this shit in? It already stinks in here!"

Frost pinched the bridge of his nose, and you were able to surmise that that must've been a stupid question.

"Pussy," Ronnie remarked with a snicker.

"Hey, piss off, dude. I'm new to this. I would just rather not have lung cancer or some shit. That okay with you?" you asked, your irritation audible in your tone. Ronnie was easily the most insufferable one on the team, and he was proving to be your only gripe with this whole experience.

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