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The next day they share a soft moment in the haven of their home before departing for the war party. She watches the warriors leave in the wake of songs and blessings  from the tribe with a stiff chin. Anxiety closes its icy grip around her heart. She can only pass Kiri what she hopes is a smile while petting Tuk’s shoulder.

She blinks at the messy stitch marring her poncho. That was the fifth time.  “Tsahey!” She curses the stitch, ducking her head when Wiua places a hand on hers.  "I’m fine Wiua.”

The woman only nods. “I can see that.” She rises with difficulty, a hand on her belly. “How about a little tea, yawntusyip? Kiri? Tuktirey?” The two girls, both finger painting Wiua’s finished baskets, voice their confirmation.

Naawri shakes her head. “It’s okay I can just keep–.” The look Wiua gives her is both sympathetic and brooks no room for protest.

“They’ll be fine. He’ll be fine.” She wraps an arm around her.

She nods but then regards her heart sister. Wiua was pregnant and her mate of nearly eight years was off fighting The Sky People. What would she do if Eyvir didn’t return?  “Eyvir is strong and skilled. They all are.” She hated the waiting.

It seems like an eternity later that the call goes out.  She’s on her feet then, accompanying Wiua, to greet her family. Noney is the first to greet her. Then Rayka and Eyvir approach and the five of them share a group hug, basking in each other’s presence.  She is happy their family is still intact. But it is her mate’s face that she aches to see. Her heart falls into her gut when Eyvir places a hand on her shoulder.

But it is Rayka that speaks. “Neteyam was injured.”

She hears nothing else from her sister because she's already all but bolting to High Camp’s entrance. She has to force herself to slow when she catches sight of him. He stands with his head down as his father apparently scolds him. Neytiri stands next to him expression annoyed. Red blood, his blood, smears his side like some macabre version of paint. And Jake is still scolding him. Could he not see the blood oozing from his wounds? Fire sparks to life in her belly. Lo'ak blows past her, mouth set in a hard line. She clenches and unclenches her fists, trying to control the mounting vexation. A smidgen calmer she resumes her trek.

“Jake your son is actually bleeding,” his wife says. 

Jake surveys his eldest and yes he sees the blood oozing from his wounds, but he needed to get this through Neteyam's head. He couldn't always take up his younger brother's slack or when he screwed up. Which he did and it had nearly gotten him killed. His ears swivel a second before Naawri greets him in passing, punctuating it with a glass-cutting side glance. He quirks an eyebrow in surprise.

Naawri grabs hold of Neteyam's hand, resisting the urge to kiss him until her lips hurt. He squeezes her hand. She flicks her tongue over her teeth, but says nothing. Admiration pricks her when her beloved only gives a nod of his head and a respectful “yes sir. Sorry sir.” 

Then Jake dismisses him and they're off to the healing hut. She sits quietly with him the entire time Moat tends their wounds, even the wincing at the acrid antiseptics.

Neteyam finds himself with an armful of his mate once they cross the threshold of their home. Before he can enjoy it she draws away giving him a smack on the shoulder. “Ow!”

“You said you were going to be careful.”

“I know sylul–”

She gives him another smack. “You almost di–” A tiny whimper leaves her and all the anger rushes from her face crumbling into a teary mess. The expression yanks on the core of his heart. He pulls her into his arms, unbothered with his protesting injuries.  He strokes her hair gently, humming softly. “I don't know what I would do if I lost you, yawne.”

He wants to tell her she won't lose him, but he can't. They were at war. Life is uncertain now. Instead, he tightens his grip, before pressing a kiss to her hairline.

“Please think of me next time.”

He pulls away to look her in the eye. “I always think of you, my seze.” He reaches up and tenderly wipes away the tears clinging to her eyelashes. He had almost left this wonderful woman today. He nuzzles his cheek against hers, heart swelling when she reciprocates.


This one was pretty short. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time.

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