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Almost a week later he climbs the steep rock face surrounding the waterfall at a swift pace.

“Come on mighty warrior,” she teases over the roar of the waterfall.  She looks down at him, a challenging grin on her lovely face.

He wants to climb faster and he can but then he would miss the view. He inhales deeply.  As of late he’d been having less than pure thoughts about the beauty above him.

The race ends in her victory. She gives a single triumphant whoop grinning smugly at him when he pulls himself onto the ledge.  “What happened to you down there?”

He gives a shrug and slinks to her. “I was just enjoying the view.”

“What v–” She pauses, catching the meaning of his words. “Neteyam te Suli, are you flirting  with me?” She steps forward, husky voice dripping with some silky thing that sends tingles through him.

His tail twitches from side to side. “I hope it’s obvious.” They share a deep kiss under the afternoon sun.

They dive into the plunge pool fed by the waterfall. “Neteyam!” She gives him a playful push when he cannonballs into the water drenching her with a mighty splash.

He laughs.

Later, they languish on the lush grass, eyes on the brilliant sky above. He yawns, savoring the warmth of her hand in his. He drifts into a drowsy state enjoying the languor of this golden afternoon until she pops it with six words.

“I want to mate with you.”

The heck? Did he hear that right? Did she just say what he thought she said? He bolts upright, drowsiness all but forgotten. “What?”

She sits up too. He notices the way her tail flicks behind her. “I mean I’ve been thinking about it for a while now.” She bites her bottom lip and fidgets with the hem of her green loincloth. She makes eye contact with him. “I would like to mate with you.”

He merely stares at her, all oral capability suspended.  He blinks then inwardly smacks himself before saying: “Nawri… are you sure?” She locks her eyes with his and there is no unsurety in her gaze. 


“You don’t think it’s too soon?” Na’vi mated for life and once the act was done there was no going back.

She shakes her head. Then her eyes widen, ears flattening out of embarrassment, and she literally pales. “Unless you don’t want to.” She starts apologizing.

He nearly laughs. That was far from it. He'd been thinking about the permanence of their relationship, about their future a lot, lately. He was certain he wanted to grow old and face whatever storms life tossed at him with her at his side. “No, I want to,” he clarifies. He moves so they’re face to face. He takes her hands in his. “It’s just this is a huge step, one that neither of us should take lightly.”

“I know, and I don’t Neteyam. I just…” She squeezes his hands. “All I know is that I want to spend the rest of my journey on Eywaveng with you.”

The sureness and love in those words make his heart sprout wings. He reaches up and caresses her cheek, she places her hand on his. He didn’t want anyone else anyway. He presses his forehead to hers. “Okay.”


He nods, his forehead gently bumping against hers. “There’s no one on this planet I’d rather grow old with.”  And he means those words with every bone in his body.

She embraces him and they set the date.

Then comes the difficult part, for him. As per tradition, one that only those that pass their Uniltaron know, he must ask his closest female relative about the finesses of mating. He knows the mechanics of it  but not certain other things.  So that’s why he finds himself in a clearing with his mother, who he’d requested to hunt with, asking her about how to please a woman while she straps a yerik to her ikran.

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