Part one:the invasion

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Ms Jessica: (voiceover) There’s a legend that precedes the dawn of cybertronian civilization;The underbase. A power so rich in history and so powerful that it grants unimaginable power to any who bathed in it glow. Few believed such a thing could be true… until the day the underbase was stolen by a group of power-hungry machine;
The Heavy king. But he didn’t just come to enslave us with his newfound power. He wanted our greatest miracles;the chaos emeralds. And he came to steal them for us in his own need. He also came with his army and his powerful allies in arms; The hard boiled heavies.

[Sena is seen fleeing away from some motobugs, with the Cyan chaos emerald in her purse. Before Heavy Rider attacks,she is sent flying by Teo. Ms Jessica then kills some other badniks with her light beams. Lucky & Vincent enter the scene.]

Vincent: More enemies are landing! We won't be safe for long!

Lucky: Do we have the emerald?

Ms Jessica: You must take it. Keep it hidden so that it never falls into the hands of heavies. Protecting the emeralds is all that matters! Go! Use it to escape back to the surface!

Vincent: What will you do?

Ms Jessica: I'll hold him off. Buy you some time.

Lucky: Then I'm staying with you,mom.

Ms Jessica: (sigh) Listen carefully,Lucky. If The hard boiled heavies were to get all the emeralds,there would be no end to the worlds they would destroy.

Teo:Lucky,if your mom anything like you,she probably pretty strong!

Ms Jessica:be careful,my dear daughter.

With the chaos emerald in her hands, Lucky leads her friends  away. Meanwhile,Ms Jessica summons her spear and turns to the darkness of a forest, with Heavy King's eyes glowing red and yellow.]

Heavy King: So you're heaven's great warrior? you have such a beautiful world filled with an abundance of life. [completely emerges from the forest] Give me the emerald and i will spare your daughter.

Ms Jessica: I rather die than let you reach other worlds.

Heavy King: So be it.

(The two engaged in combat. After a little while,Ms Jessica gets the upper hand)

Ms Jessica:leave this planet...(Point her spear at his eye) and never return!

Heavy King:...Maybe you should reconsider.

[Heavy Magician uses her magic to constrict Lucky and cause her pain.]

Lucky: (pained groaning and crying)

Ms Jessica: No! Stop! Please, stop! I-I'll surrender,just don't hurt her!

[Heavy King motions his hand to Heavy Magician, who ceases her torture of Lucky. Ms Jessica holds her daughter in concern. With no other options,Ms Jessica surrendered the Cyan emerald]

Heavy King: You have my word.

(Suddenly he transform his left arm into a cannon and shoots Ms Jessica with a purification spell)


Heavy King:you are hereby relief of duty.

(With one final shot of his arm cannon,Heavy King completely turns Ms Jessica into a stone statue. Tears begin falling from Lucky's cheeks)

Heavy King:run girl. And never return.

Lucky:the karma of your sins w-w-will bring your doom!

Heavy King:I shall see.

(Lucky flies off as the other hero kids follow)

Heavy King:we now have 4 of the emeralds,and now WHO GONNA STOP USSSSSSS!!!!! (Laughs menacingly)

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