Part 3:highway chase\The mastermind\taking the battle to them!

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(the Autobots,Decepticons and others head to the highway with Tails and Tails riding in Bumbleee)

Heavy Gunner:a Helmandollar?

Heavy Magican:oh goodly,I love to crush her face on the pavement!

Heavy King:master?

?:the on!

(The hard boiled heavies transform and chase the group)

Heavy Gunner: Attack!

[The heavy army rides their karts off of the cliff to ambush the groups. Heavy Gunner fires rockets from his police cruiser mode that knocks out several Kong karts.]

Caroline: It's an ambush!

[A Egg Pawn holding a lit Bob-omb approaches Teo, but is knocked aside by Lanolin.]

Lanolin: Defensive positions!

Bulkhead and Ms "Lucy" fires multiple shoots from their vehicle modes at robots approaching them from the cliffs.]

(Heavy King collides with Ms Jessica as they have a second battle)

Ms Lucy: your little magical friend ain't coming to save you this time.

(Lilith starts attacking heavy Magician)

Heavy King: troublesome brat!

(Heavy Shinobi fights Lucy Loud)

Heavy Shinobi:you have no fighting soul!

Lucy:I do have one,it's just somewhere very deep within me.

(The mysterious figure finally makes his move)

?:enough! I handle the girl myself!

(The robot transform into a futuristic jet and pursuits Bumblebee)

Tails:Guys,we got someone tailing on us!

(The robot shoots at a over bridge which Bumbleee flips over it and throws Tails and Darcy to Optimus)

Optimus prime:I got you.

Darcy:the emerald!

Tails: (reaches out for the emerald) got it!

(The robot shoots Optimus as the three fall into a field)


(Their attacker turns out to be Metallix from SMBZ)

Metallix: surrender the emerald or perish with your worthless friends!


(Metallix shoots a lighting that kills most of their friends)


Optimus prime: Mater,get them out of here!


(Optimus and Metallix start fighting)

Darcy:be careful!

Metallix:that girl doesn't deserve to live! Her ancestor was responsible for my downfall! All Helmandollars should die!

Optimus prime:she deserves to choose for herself!

Metallix:then join her in EXTINCTION!!! (Soundblasts the two. Optimus drops the emerald) now the people of this world will suffer the sins of yours and the Helmandollars failure!

(Transforms and fly off to angel island with the hard boiled heavies in tow)


(Back at the hero club)


Darcy:it all my fault,everyone gonna die! (Tears up)

Bumbleee:... (Sigh) I made mistakes too. (Flashbacks to Bumblebee getting his voice box ripped out by Burnwing (who is the Bumblebee movie Blitzwing btw) but I learned from them.

Tails:it ok if you need help, that way we're here.

Darcy:thanks guys! (Groups hug) Let's take the battle to them!

Jannah:but how are we gonna get to angel island!

Bowser Jr:yeah. My clown car can't carry all of us!

Bumbleee:I know a guy...

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