10: His Shadows

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The mansion was enveloped in an eerie silence as Lila wandered aimlessly through its corridors. The weight of recent events hung heavy on her shoulders, threatening to suffocate her with every step. Vince had been preoccupied with unraveling Marco's betrayal, leaving Lila feeling isolated and vulnerable.

In a secluded corner of her bedroom, Lila found herself alone with her thoughts. The darkness outside mirrored the turmoil within her, as haunting memories of Ethan that tormented her mind. She sat on the edge of her bed, her hands trembling as she stared blankly at the phone in her lap as she cried from the painful memories.

Lila found the package. Her curiosity piqued, she assumed it was a gift from Vince. She plugged the USB drive into her laptop and opened the file. What she saw on the screen made her blood run cold.

It was a video of her and Ethan, a recording of one of their most intimate moments. But this was no ordinary love-making session; it was a scene of horror and abuse. Ethan's cruel voice echoed through the room as he taunted her, and the images on the screen brought back a flood of painful memories.

Lila's hands trembled as she watched, tears streaming down her face. The room seemed to close in on her, and she felt as though she couldn't breathe. Her mind spiraled into a dark place, and the haunting images brought on vivid hallucinations.

There they were-Ethan's menacing presence, her own desperate pleas echoing in the background. The sound of her own cries pierced through the silence of the room, a haunting reminder of her past torment.

Suddenly, Ethan was there in front of her, his face twisted into a devilish grin. He held a camera, just as he had in the video, and his voice was filled with malice. "You can't get away from me, love. We will make more money together. Be ready, I've bought a lot of toys for us to use." His words cut through her like a blade, reopening wounds she had fought so hard to heal.

In her panic, Lila's surroundings blurred into a nightmarish haze. She could almost feel Ethan's oppressive presence looming over her, his laughter echoing in the corners of her mind. With a desperate cry, she grabbed the nearest object-a lamp-and hurled it at the hallucination, hoping to shatter the illusion and reclaim her sanity.

"I have to get away," she whispered frantically. "I can't let him hurt me anymore. This is not true."

But the hallucination persisted, mocking her futile attempts to escape. In a frenzy of fear and despair, Lila seized a broken shard of glass from the shattered lamp and pressed it against her wrist. The pain was excruciating, but in that moment, it was the only tangible release from the torment that threatened to consume her.

Blood pooled around her trembling hand as she collapsed to the floor, her sobs echoing in the empty room. Time seemed to stand still as Lila lay there, caught between the past and present, between reality and delusion.

"Please, Ethan, stop! I can't do this anymore. Please, just let me go!" she cried.

The hallucination, Ethan, laughed like a devil. "You can't escape me, love. We're going to be rich now. I've got everything planned out. We will gonna use every toys I've brought for you. They are good."

"No! Get away from me! Vince, help me!" Lila, shouted desperately.

It was the only way she could think to escape the torment. Blood pooled around her as she lay on the floor, her strength fading. The hallucination of Ethan continued to taunt her, his voice a haunting echo.

Meanwhile, Vince was in his office, pouring over documents and planning their next move against Dominic. He had no idea of the horror unfolding just a few rooms away. It was only when he decided to check on Lila that he sensed something was wrong.

Hours passed before Vince finally returned to Lila's room, his heart heavy with the weight of betrayal and the urgent need to reassure her of safety. He found her pale and motionless, her gaze fixed on a distant point that only she could see. The sight of blood on the floor sent a shiver down his spine, the stark reminder of how fragile their newfound peace truly was.

"Lila," Vince whispered, rushing to her side and gently cradling her in his arms. "What happened?" he cried out, his voice filled with anguish.

Lila's eyes flickered with pain and confusion, the lines between reality and nightmare still blurred. She struggled to find words, her voice barely a whisper. "Ethan... he was here. He... he wouldn't leave me alone."

Vince's jaw clenched with a mix of anger and sorrow as he realized the depth of Lila's suffering. He held her close, silently vowing to protect her from any more harm.

He took a clean towel then pressed it hard not to hurt Lila from her inflicted wound.

Vince's anger flared as he realized the extent of Lila's trauma. He gently lifted her onto the bed and called for the mansion's doctor. As the doctor worked to stabilize Lila, Vince noticed the laptop and the video still playing.

His blood boiled as he watched the horrifying footage. "Who did this?" he growled, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge. He turned to his men, who had gathered outside the room. "Find out who brought this into the house. I want answers now!"

The men scattered, and within minutes, they returned with Kristina, the maid. Her face was pale yet stood with no remorse as Vince confronted her. "Who sent you?" he demanded.

Kristina stood silent.

Vince's eyes blazed with fury. "Hmm. Silence is all your answer. You have no idea what you've done," he said coldly. "Take her to the holding cell. I'll deal with her later."

As Kristina was led away, Vince returned to Lila's side. She was conscious but weak, the trauma and blood loss taking their toll. He sat beside her, holding her hand gently. "Lila, you're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you again."

Lila looked at him, her eyes filled with gratitude and pain. "Thank you, Vince. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Vince kissed her forehead softly. "You'll never have to find out. I promise."

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