17. a warfare

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Throughout the entire night, I could see questions in people's eyes as they stare at me. The judgements forming just beyond the surface, waiting to be spoken. Some of them whispered to each other, their voices too low to hear but still loud enough to feel. A few others exchanged knowing looks, as if they were communicating through their eyes. I could feel a knot in my stomach, twisting and churning tighter with every second that passed. I simply wanted to shrink away, to disappear into the walls and escape from the gaze. I knew I was already out of place just by being here, but their attention on me definitely wasn't helping my case in feeling like a foreigner. Sometimes, I would accidentally catch a few of their eyes directly and it felt like I was staring into the sun, blinding and overwhelming. The way some of them looked away, pretending like they weren't scrutinising me from head to toe, while others held my gaze, as if challenging me to say something — anything to break the tension.

My eyes roam everywhere. Anywhere but the gazes of others, because one wrong look at someone and I feel like I could start a war in here. Maybe because I am new here, and nobody recognises me. As my eyes continue to travel everywhere, I happen to look upon one of the Song siblings. Song Hanseok, the second youngest sibling, if I recalled correctly. He seemed to be looking at my way, or rather, directly at me. I frowned slightly, wondering how long he has been staring, or was it just a coincidence that he happened to look my way just as I did. I wanted to look away but as much as I tried to, I couldn't. He had a menacing stare and if looks could kill, I believe his would be brutal. Everyone's voices seemed to become incoherent to me and it felt like I was in the room with just him. He wasn't that near or far from me — just right across the room.

Hanseok never looked away. I don't know why but I feel uneasy having his gaze on me, like I'm his prey and he's my predator. Only after a while, he broke his gaze as he turned his head towards a specific direction and so did I.

"Yoon Jeonghan," I breathed out as I watched him and the rest stepped into the ballroom. Their presence caused some noise in the room, and the Song siblings made their way towards them.

"They do know how to always make an entrance." Minho folded his arms as he stood beside me closely. I didn't say anything back as I watched them enter and get greeted by the Song siblings. Indeed, they do know how to make an entrance. Specifically, a grand one.

Subsequently, everyone started to mingle around with each other, and apparently this is what Minho said word for word to me, "Things are just getting started." Sure enough, things indeed just started when I realised people were gambling, having a feast or discussing businesses in different places of the ballroom. Thankfully, everyone is engrossed with what they're doing that my presence didn't matter anymore. At least I could look around freely without having to avoid eye contacts.

"Come on," Minho suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the gambling area, whereby it was the noisiest and loudest area. He looked at me with a cheeky smile and I shook my head profusely.

"I do not gamble." I proclaim, purposely dreading my feet so that he would have a harder time dragging me.

"I'll teach you." he pulls me further and before I could realise, we were already at a table of poker. Minho didn't even give me a chance to retort back when he pushed me down onto the chair, still wearing a cheeky smile on his face and I could only frown. I didn't want to attract any attention but here I am, at a poker table where everyone's eyes were on me.

"I'm going to kill you." I looked up subtly at Minho, whispering death threats to him and he looked at me, grinning.

"Looking forward to it." Was all he said before he has his eyes focused on the poker table. I avoided everyone's gazes as I watched the dealer hand out two cards each to everyone. I don't really know how poker works, so when I opened my cards and showed it to Minho, he only smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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