2. yoon jeonghan

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In the past two weeks, everything was a blur to me. Junseo and Haeun announced that they started dating, which wasn't surprising to me. It still hurts, knowing that someone I once loved was taken by my very own best friend. I was distant towards the both of them and I felt stupid doing that because I know it wasn't their fault. It was mine.

Well, I can't help it. Seeing them together hurts. But honestly, as much as their relationship bothers me, the blonde man in the bar was the one that mostly occupied my thoughts. There was not one day I wasn't thinking about him.

His face.

His voice.

The kiss.

I don't know what to feel but all I know that the kiss was amazing. I mean, he's hot.

"Ugh..." I groaned in slight frustration.

"You okay?" Yera squeezed my shoulders with a concerned look across her face. I snapped out of my thoughts and my face quickly softens. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry about that." she nodded her head understandingly and I smiled at her for caring.


I yawned briefly as I bent down to the entrance of my café and locked the door. The stars shone as sugar split over black marble, glistening in the night sky. The night sky was such a welcoming sight that gave me comfort.

My body was sore from brewing coffee and constantly walking around the cafe in a haste. I yawned again, feeling really drained out until my oh-so crazy brain suggested that I should go back to the bar and find the blonde man again. Even before I could think, my legs were already on its way to the bus stop. I guess I'm actually going back there again.

It took about thirty minutes to arrive at the bar and here I was, standing in front of the bar. Part of me wanted to go in but the other part was feeling regretful for coming back here.

He probably doesn't remember me.

But despite all these rattling thoughts, my legs brought me closer to the door and I ended up entering anyways. As usual, there were a lot of people scattering everywhere and my eyes were all over the place. Some people stared at me, probably because of my outfit but I didn't really care. I squeezed passed the crowd and made my way to the bar counter. To my surprise, Daewon still recognised me.

"You're back I see." he said and whipped out a glass of coke for me. "Don't worry, it's on the house."

"Thanks," I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"You're alone?"

"Yeah, but I'm here because I'm looking for—"

"Me?" I could hear a familiar voice yet a cheeky tone from behind me. Daewon bowed at the sight of the person behind me and left once again.

I turned around, finally facing him and there he was, towering over me. A smirk slowly formed on his lips and I could feel a lump in my throat.

"Miss me already?" his smirk grew wider as he stares at my face longer.

"I don't even know who you are." I cleared my throat and my eyes darting everywhere except his eyes.

"The name's Yoon Jeonghan." Jeonghan leaned closer, causing me to arch my back against the bar counter. Let me just say that that felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Great, nice to meet you. Okay, bye." I must be crazy for saying that but I don't know what came over me. I quickly got out of my seat and turned my back on him, walking away in a hurry when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Leaving so soon? You didn't tell me your name yet." he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine once again. "Bae Aera." I gulped the lump in my throat, feeling breathless all of a sudden.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." For some reason, I felt nervous. Partly because of his actions but something about him was weird. Like his aura or something. Before I could say or do anything, he pulled me out of the bar from the back door.

"You're really interesting, Aera." Jeonghan chuckled as he led the both of us further away from the bar and onto the streets. "Thanks?" I thanked but it sounded more unsure than really thanking him. "I've got to go." I said calmly, even though I know I was nowhere feeling calm.

"I'll drive you."

"No, I can go back by myself."

He faced me and his arms were crossed. "I insist." he smiled but it gave me chills.

"Ah, but I can really go back by myself." I replied back in a small voice.

His smile slowly faltered as he started to walk towards me with his hands in his pockets. I feel sweaty suddenly and took more steps away, feeling intimidated by him. However, there wasn't any space left as my back was against a wall. We were now a few centimetres apart and his face screamed annoyed.

"You don't wanna say that again." Jeonghan bore his eyes in mine and it felt like as if he was searching for something in my eyes.

"If you insist then.." I muttered loud for him to hear and tear my eyes away from his. I could see his smirk from my peripheral vision and I felt uneasy. He finally backed away from me and gestured me to follow him.

I knew I shouldn't have came back here. I sighed inwardly.

None of us spoke until we reached to his car and when I say my jaws dropped, my jaws really dropped. His car was a Lamborghini Aventador, coated in silvery-shiny black. It feels illegal looking at it, let alone riding on one.

"Where'd you live?" Jeonghan asked as we were already on the road. As much as I didn't want to let him know where I lived, I didn't had a choice. I simply told him the location and shut my mouth afterwards. Although he had an angelic face and a gentle voice, his personality definitely speaks otherwise. I stared out of the window, getting mesmerised by the city lights and the stars shining bright in the night. For a moment I have completely forgotten I was with Jeonghan.


"We're here." he uttered as he parked his car in front of my house.

"Thank you." I breathed out, feeling slightly better after returning home. He simply hummed in response and drove off shortly. I heaved a sigh of relief after seeing his car disappear from my neighbourhood. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

However, I know that this isn't going to be the last time we're going to see each other. Something about him just tells me so.

he's hot bruh

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