Chapter Fourteen

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~~~ Hyunjin ~~~

"He's a real cutie," he heard his mother gush and he just rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his lips as he looked down at a snoozing Lee Know. His head resting on the bed and their hands were still entwined. "Poor thing must be exhausted. He stayed up for hours chatting with us and keeping us company last night. Speaking of that, how are you feeling sweetie?"

"Still tired mom," he answered, chuckling a bit. She's been asking that about every half hour but he knew that it was just her way of caring for him. His dad was somewhere in the break room getting coffee for them. Hyunjin was indeed lucky. When he woke up, the doctor had come in and explained everything to him stating that he was going to be perfectly fine but he just needed lots and lots of rest. He still felt sore, but any pain was tempered by the presence of his parents, his best friend (who he convinced to go home) and his beloved Minho. He was pleased that his parents were so charmed by him, not that he ever doubted that they would be.

He felt the bed shift and he could see that Minho was starting to wake up. His heart clenched at the tired expression on his face but as soon as Minho's eyes opened and met his, he was greeted with a warm smile. "You're awake," he said simply.

"So are you," Hyunjin replied with a soft grin. "Thank you for staying."

Minho squeezed his hand, "I wouldn't dream of leaving. How are you feeling?"

"Tired. Sore. And extremely well loved," he answered.

"You both are too cute for words," Mrs. Hwang said right as Mr. Hwang came back carrying two cups of coffee.

"Oh Min's up now, did you want some coffee son?" Mr. Hwang asked kindly and Hyunjin couldn't resist smiling at how quickly his boyfriend seems to have bonded with his family.

Minho politely declined, and Hyunjin spotted how red his ears turned. "Hey Min, the doc says they want to monitor me for a few more hours before sending me home. But as you can see, I'm fine. You should go home and rest."

"Not happening," Minho said immediately, "But I will go home and get cleaned up," he said standing, "but I'm coming right back here Hyunnie," he promised, planting a kiss on his forehead. "See you later, Mr. And Mrs. Hwang," he added cheerfully, blushing when his parents insisted on giving him a hug.

When Minho left there was a moment of silence and then his father declared, "I like this one Jinnie, don't screw it up."

Hyunjin laughed, but his mom piled on, "Your father's right dear. You know, when you told us about doing this movie and then later on about you dating him, I wasn't sure what to think. I mean he's the Lee Minho."

"Exactly! You know your mom and I saw him play Romeo at that really fancy theater last year. He was phenomenal," Mr. Hwang interjected. "And in the spotlight he looked almost...unreal."

His mom nodded emphatically. "Right, so I guess I didn't expect him to be so personable and sweet. And he's just as caring as you said he would be."

"Why do you think I call him Mr. Wonderful?" Hyunjin answered proudly. "But how come you guys never wax poetic about me?"

"Aww Jinnie don't be jealous," his mom teased. "You know we love you and we're always bragging about how amazing you are. We're just excited about Minho, that's all."

~~~~ Minho ~~~~

Seeing Hyunjin awake and seemingly doing well did wonders for his mental and physical health. He was worried to his core, and if he was ever doubting just how he felt about the other man, yesterday's incident cleared it up. He loved him. He was in love with Hyunjin. And that's why he was so terrified about almost losing him. It was still something difficult to even think about. But he was just grateful that he was fine. He ordered a car to take him back to the lot since he'd rode in the ambulance before. The ride home wasn't too long and Minho ignored the temptation of his bed and headed to the bathroom immediately. Once he was showered and dressed, he texted Felix and Jeong-in letting them know that Hyunjin was fine, and telling them to inform everyone else. Although he did take the time to let Bang Chan know as well since he remembered how guilty their producer felt about Hyunjin getting hurt.

That done, he decided that he should also eat something before heading back. As he fixed himself a quick snack, he started thinking about Hyunjin's parents and how kind they were. How open. And when he openly declared his love for their son, they didn't get upset. In fact, they smothered him with affection and he spent a good portion of the night talking with them and getting to know them. But inevitably thinking about Hyunjin's parents made him think about his own. About how much he missed them. They had passed away a few years back leaving him and Felix all alone. But he'd like to think that they would have loved Hyunjin just as much as he did.

At least the family he had left, Felix and Jisung largely approved of him. Heck, they might even like Hyunjin more than him! Either way, it was nice that all of the important people in their lives seemed to love them both and root for their relationship. It seems that Hyunjin had also convinced his parents to leave and freshen up so when he returned to the hospital they were all alone. He resumed his post at his bedside, even reclaiming the hand he'd been holding. "You know, I terrified earlier," he confessed, rubbing his thumb over the back of Hyunjin's hand. "So many things could've happened to you and I'm so grateful that you're alright."

"I'm sorry for scaring you Min," the bandaged male said softly and Lee Know just waved it off.

"It's not your fault," he pointed out. "But it did help me realize one thing..."

"And what is that?"

"That I am completely, totally and desperately in love with you, Hwang Hyunjin," Minho said intently. His piercing gaze locked in on his lover's dark, mesmerizing eyes.

The younger man's eyes glittered with unshed tears and he gasped, reaching out to cradle Minho's face with both hands, "You have had me absolutely smitten for months. I remember the first day I looked into your eyes and my entire world flipped," he said softly, yet confidently. "If I have any idea of what love is, it is because of you. Lee Minho, I love you."

The kiss they share is unhurried, a dance of affection that speaks volumes without words. Velvety mouths meet, caressing and pressing together in a familiar yet wholly different way. Time seemed to slow down, the world around them fading away. All that existed was the feeling of their lips melding together, tongues mingling as the warmth was spreading through their bodies, and the silent exchange of love and emotion. Hyunjin's hands moved to cradle his neck instead, and Minho moaned softly. As they finally pulled back, their eyes met once more, filled with a newfound depth of understanding and affection.

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