Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: We're nearing the end of this story. It's been a great ride, and I'm so happy to see that other people have enjoyed it too. Plus I've got a Minsung plot stuck in my head and I might be running with it. Stay tuned!

~~~ Hyunjin ~~~

"Oh my gosh that looks so good on you! You have to get it!" Felix exclaimed the moment he exited the fitting room. It was the next day and everyone had gone out to do their own thing. Han and Minho went fishing, but the other four were at the beach. When Felix asked him if he wanted to go shopping with him he agreed immediately for two main reasons: one, he loved shopping and two, he was eager to spend more quality time with Minho's little brother. He's always liked Felix from the start, even before he liked Minho and freckled angel's sunshine personality was impossible to ignore.

"Hmmm are you sure? This is a bit more expensive than I typically buy," Hyunjin replied, eyeing himself in a nearby mirror. Admittedly he did look good. It was a black blouse that hung loosely on his body, leaving his collarbone exposed. The sleeves had long slits going down the length of them that were held up by strings. The sleeves ended in a ruffle and the whole look felt very pirate-like. "Okay wait, you may have a point," he conceded with a grin.

Felix squealed and bounced in his spot. "Exactly Jinnie! Now come on, we have a dozen more stores to hit up!"

Hyunjin just laughed and went back to change. Once he was done, they paid for their items and then left hand in hand. The next store hey went to was some fancy jewelry and perfume shop and Felix said he wanted to get something for Han. "How did you and the squirrel get together anyway? And Min wasn't mad?"

Felix grinned, "He does look like a squirrel, isn't he so cute?! But I don't sort of just....happened," he confessed, looking up from the boxes of cologne. "Han has been around for a while, he and Lee Know are so close. Normally they would hang out together but eventually they would invite me to tag along with them. And then whenever my brother was busy, Jisung just started hanging out with me. And he was....sweet. And so funny that I couldn't help but smile every time I saw him. You know, a lot of people refer to me as sunshine and I like being able to make people feel good. Han does the same thing for me, he's my sunshine."

Hyunjin couldn't help but smile at that, "Awww I love that. I'm glad you're happy together."

"Thank you!" Felix smiled, "And Minho was super understanding about it. He uh....kind of caught us in the act, but he didn't get angry. He loves Han and he knows that he's a great person so he had no problem with us getting together. Plus I think he was far more concerned about his feelings for you than to be worried about us."

Hyunjin flushed, "I still can't believe it sometimes. I think that our attraction to each other and the feelings we developed happened so fast that we were both just trying to control it."

Felix snorted, "You're telling me. Minho doesn't get close to just anyone. He has a very small circle, but once he cares about you, he will bend over backwards for you. That's why I was so surprised with how quickly he fell for you. Don't get me wrong, you're great Hyunjin, but I didn't picture my brother with someone so...."

"Dramatic?" Hyunjin cut in with a small smile.

Felix smirked, "Yeah. You're opposites. But when I see you together all of my worries disappear. The way you love him is so special. I can sense freedom in how he expresses himself when you're around."

Hyunjin let out a shuddering breath, "Stop it 'Lix you're gonna make me cry."

At this, the other blonde wrapped him in his arms and Hyunjin let himself relax into his hold. "Thank you," Felix whispered, "thank you for loving my brother. For giving him something more important than work to care about. Thank you for healing his heart."

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