Chapter 7

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The next day in the morning in Tonia's house she is with her uncle Mr Whitehouse who is accompanying her so she can get her things from the house. 'Uncle I don't see the need for me to move in with you, I can stay here' says Tonia. 'No, I am not leaving you here what if that man who wanted to kill you come back' says Mr Whitehouse. 'I want to go somewhere before we leave' says Tonia taking her bag. 'You are not going to see that girl; we are leaving now' says Mr Whitehouse. 'She has something that belong to me, so I am going to get it back' says Tonia. 'Tonia what nonsense are you saying? what did you give that girl?' ask Mr Whitehouse angry. 'Uncle don't worry, I won't be long I am just going to ask her where she put my box that all' says Tonia getting out of the house, Mr Whitehouse follow her. When she is about to get inside the car, her phone ring she answers it, it's the Auditor Jess, 'Tonia where have you been? I have been trying to call you all this time' says Jess sounding like he is worried. 'I am fine Jess, how are things going that side?' ask Tonia. 'Not good, a man came here and took the book, I tried to call you, but you were not answering your phone' says Jess. 'What? who is it? when did he took it? how did he know about it?' ask Tonia pissed. 'I don't know who it was, all I know is he came here and started pointing a gun at us and made sure that we destroyed the copies we have' says Jess. 'Shit, what about the cameras?' ask Tonia. 'Oh yes I will send you the footage now' says Jess. 'Thank you' says Tonia. 'Tonia what is going on? are you in trouble?' ask Jess worried. 'No everything is fine; I will be waiting for the footage' says Tonia after she drop the call. She gets in the car, and they leave. 

In the Mhlongo mansion Sthandiwe is packing her things in her room, Siviwe and Sash gets in. 'Mom what is going on? just yesterday you wanted nothing to do with Lizwe but now you want us to go and stay with him, what changed?' ask Siviwe confused. 'Siviwe stop talking and go and pack your bags, your father is fetching us in an hour' says Sthandiwe continuing to pack. 'Mom I am not going anywhere if you want to go back to him, you can go alone' says Siviwe angry. 'Fine, you can stay but me and Sash are leaving' says Sthandiwe. 'Sash is not going anywhere with you, he is staying here with me' says Siviwe. 'Sash please go and pack your bags, we are leaving in an hour' says Sthandiwe looking at Sash. 'Mom I am sorry, but I am not leaving with you, I am staying here' says Sash looking at Sthandiwe. Sthandiwe continue to pack. In mike's study he is with his wife, and they have called Krishi, she gets in, 'Uncle you called me' says Krishi. 'Sit down Krishi' says Mike. She sits down. 'Tonia is out of prison, she was released yesterday afternoon, so we will need you to bring the letters' says Mike. 'How do I know you are not lying to me; I want proof that she is really out' says Krishi. 'Krishi you are starting to get on my nerves now, we have done what you want, now it is time you do what you promised you will do' says Mike pissed. 'And I will do it, I just want proof that Tonia is really out of jail that all' says Krishi. 'Alright you will get your proof later today, you can leave' says Mike. Krishi leave. 'What is this girl trying to do?' ask Lizy surprised by what Krishi said. They hear Gladys shouting at someone downstairs, they go and see what is going on. 'What are you doing here? I thought I told you to not come back here' says Gladys looking at Lizwe disgusted. 'Old lady I am here to fetch my wife and kids' says Lizwe unbothered. Sthandiwe come with bags Sash and Siviwe following her. 'You are leaving?' ask Gladys looking at Sthandiwe disgusted. 'Yes Mah, I am leaving' says Sthandiwe holding her tears. 'And then boys where are your bags?' ask Lizwe looking at Sash and Siviwe. 'We are not going with you' says Sash. 'I don't understand, we talked about this Sthandiwe, that you and the children are coming to leave with me' says Lizwe angry. 'We are not children; we are 19 years old which means we are adults, and that means we can make our own decisions' says Siviwe looking at Lizwe. 'Sthandiwe talk to your children, we are leaving now all of us' says Lizwe angry. 'There is nothing I can do, you heard them' says Sthandiwe. 'Sash and Siviwe you need to leave with your father, this is not your home, this house belongs to Mike as the son of the family, I only allowed your mother to stay here because you were young and she had nowhere to go, but now your father is back, and he want to right his wrongs allow him' says Gladys as she sit down. 'Grandma what are you saying?' ask Thabelo surprised. 'Thabelo stay out of this' says Mike. 'Grandma so you are saying mom should go back to a man who used to abuse her, because this is your son's house?' says Siviwe looking at Gladys. 'I never told your mother to do anything, she is the one who decided to go back to Lizwe, it is only right that you go back with her to your father's house' says Gladys. 'I am leaving with you mom; I am going to get my things' says Sash going upstairs. 'And you? follow him and take your things' says Lizwe. 'I said I am not leaving; this is grandpa's house, so I am staying' says Siviwe. 'Your grandpa left this house to Mike, so if you think by staying here you are going to inherit it, you are wrong' says Gladys after she leave. Sash comes back with his things, he finds Siviwe standing alone 'Are you sure you want to stay here? you heard what grandma said' says Sash looking at Siviwe. 'I can't leave Krishi alone with these people, you can leave and take care of mom' says Siviwe. 'I will' says Sash as he follows their parents, and they leave. 

Later Mr Whitehouse's car is parked outside the Mhlongo mansion, she calls Krishi to come outside. 'Tonia, I am sorry that I said you shot me, I was threatened that if I don't say that, you will be killed' says Krishi. 'It fine, listen I am not here to stay, I want the box' says Tonia. 'Which box?' ask Krishi. 'Do not get smart with me, I am talking about the box that I gave you before the incident' says Tonia. 'Oh that one, what is inside?' ask Krishi. 'Go and get the box, I am in a hurry' says Tonia. 'I want to know what is inside and who is that guy who tried to kill us?' ask Krishi. 'Krishi there is no need for you to know all of those things, I will fix it on my own just get the box' says Tonia. 'I will go and get it' says Krishi. After a few minutes Krishi come back with it. 'Here' says Krishi giving Tonia the box. 'Thank you for keeping it safe, do you know how I got out from Prison?' ask Tonia. 'Oh Yah, I had some information on Mike and Lizy, so I blackmailed them to help you get out' says Krishi. 'Listen stay away from them, and whatever you have on them do not lose it as your leverage' says Tonia. Mr Whitehouse drive away. 'What do you mean by that?' ask Krishi shouting. As Krishi get inside the house Mike call her inside his study and give her the tablet that have Tonia getting inside her uncle's car Infront of prison. 'Here is your proof, so now go and get the letters' says Mike. 'I don't have them anymore' says Krishi. 'I don't understand, what do you mean you don't have them anymore?' ask Mike looking at Krishi. 'I can't find them; I think I lost them' says Krishi. 'You are joking right?' ask Lizy. 'No, I kept them under my bed, I wanted to bring them back, but I did not find them' says Krishi. 'Who knew you put them there?' ask Mike. 'No one, I was alone when I hid them' says Krishi. Enter Gladys angry. 'Krishi get out' says Gladys. Krishi go. 'I was just called by the family's accountant; you want to make a withdrawal of 50 million in Siviwe's trust fund, for what?' ask Gladys angry. 'Mah, I need the money, Sthandiwe does not even know that Siviwe have a trust fund so let me use it' says Mike. 'No Mike, the trust fund belongs to Siviwe and Sash, Sthandiwe have nothing and that excuse of a man she married also have nothing, this money will help them further their education' says Gladys. 'Mah what are you saying? I really need this money' says Mike. 'No, I told the accountant that no withdrawal will be made in Siviwe and Krishi' s trust funds, if you need money use Ntando' s money he is still young by the time he turns 21 you would have replaced the money' says Gladys. 'Mah I am not going to use my son's money' says Mike. 'Then find another way to get money' says Gladys after she leaves the room. 'What are we going to do?' ask Lizy. 'I don't know that stupid accountant ruined everything' says Mike angry. 'Maybe we can sell the house that we used to stay in' says Lizy. 'Just let me think' says Mike. 

At night that day, Tonia is in the guest room in Mr Whitehouse's house, she calls Jess. 'Yes Tonia' says Jess. 'I saw the footage I don't know that man, how did he know about the book?' says Tonia. 'I don't know' says Jess. 'Listen I have the copy of the book, so we will have to be discrete as it seems someone already know about the book' says Tonia. 'You will tell me when you want us to work' says Jess. 'We can't meet at your office, so that means we will have to work somewhere else' says Tonia. 'That is fine, I will hear from you' says Jess after he drop the call. In Lizwe's house in Sash's room he is talking with Sthandiwe. 'Mom I just feel like I have been in this house before' says Sash. 'We used to stay here before your father was arrested' says Sthandiwe. 'Then why did we leave after he was arrested?' ask Sash. 'I could not take care of both of you and your brother, it was just too much for me, debts were piling up and I was not working so Mah suggested that I move back home' says Sthandiwe. 'Really? I guess grandma do love you in her own way' says Sash. 'She does, I think she is just disappointed that I did not do anything useful with my life, and that my marriage that she warned me about did not work' says Sthandiwe. 'I think you are a strong woman; you went through so much, but you still managed to be a good mother to us, and I am proud of you' says Sash. 'Thank you, Sash, I love you' says Sthandiwe hugging him, 'I love you too mom' says Sash hugging her back. 'Are you not coming to bed?' ask Lizwe standing at the door. 'I am coming, good night, Sash' says Sthandiwe standing up. 'Good night mom' says Sash. Sthandiwe go out and close the door. 

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