Chapter 10

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Just as Lizy is about to drive out, a car drive in, Gladys and Mike get out of the car. 'Where are you going to?' ask Mike. 'I am going to get some fresh air' says Lizy. 'We are coming from the hospital, let get inside and talk, Lizwe is still out there so it is not safe to go outside' says Mike. 'It will only take a few minutes' says Lizy. 'Where is Thabelo?' ask Mike. 'I don't know, they have gone out with Siviwe' says Lizy. 'And you let them go?' ask Mike. 'Mike you were home when they left' says Lizy. 'Get inside' says Mike. Lizy gets out of the car, and they get inside. 'So how is Sthandiwe?' ask Lizy. 'She is fine, and the doctor said she is getting well' says Mike. 'Call Thabelo and Siviwe to come back home' says Gladys. 'Alright Mah' says Mike taking out his phone and calling Thabelo. In the Nkosi's mansion, Thabelo and Siviwe are sitting on the couches along with AJ and Mr Nkosi. 'We have been waiting for an hour, what is going on?' ask Siviwe looking at AJ. 'I am still waiting; they will call us if they find him' says AJ. Thabelo's phone ring, he looks at it and see that Mike is calling him. He gets up and answers it. 'Dad' says Thabelo. 'Where are you?' ask Mike. 'I accompanied Siviwe to the post office, there is a letter for him that is from his school, we are still waiting, I will see you later' after he end the call. When he is about to sit down, his phone ring again, he sees that it is Ntando, he answers it, 'Hey I am in a middle of something, can we talk later?' says Thabelo. 'Is Krishi with you?' ask Mike. 'Dad, what are you doing with Ntando's phone?' ask Thabelo. 'I asked you a question' says Mike. 'No, dad Krishi is not here' says Thabelo. Mike ends the call. 'What is going on?' ask Siviwe. 'We have to go, Krishi is missing' says Thabelo. 'Alright, can you call if you find him' says Siviwe. 'We will let you know' says AJ. Thabelo and Siviwe go outside and get inside the car and drive out of the mansion.

In the Mhlongo mansion, Gladys is sitting on the couch while Mike is calling Krishi's phone. 'Nobody is answering' says Mike. Ntando come down the stairs holding Krishi's phone. 'Here is her phone' says Ntando. 'She left it at home?' ask Gladys. 'Grandma don't worry, maybe she has just gone out, she will be back' says Ntando. 'Ntando is right, you know Krishi, she always disappears during the day' says Mike. 'I have a bad feeling about this' says Gladys. 'Don't worry Mah, Lizy has just gone out to look for her' says Mike. On their way back, Thabelo and Siviwe park the car on the side of the road near a Sasol garage. 'What is going on? why are you stopping?' ask Siviwe. 'I don't think there is a need for us to go home, Krishi is probably out like she always does b...' Thabelo is interrupted by Siviwe. 'Is that not your mother?' ask Siviwe pointing to a woman who is carrying a 5-litre bottle full of petrol getting in the car and driving away. 'It is her, what is she doing with petrol?' ask Thabelo. 'Follow her' says Siviwe, Thabelo follow her, he calls her, Lizy answers the phone. 'Mom where are you? dad just called and said Krishi is missing' says Thabelo. 'I am at home, Yes Krishi is missing, listen I am busy with something let me call you later' says Lizy after she end the call. 'Why did she lie?' ask Thabelo looking at Siviwe. 'I don't know, but we will find out, maybe she is cheating on your dad' says Siviwe. 'I don't think so' says Thabelo. 

In the Nkosi mansion, AJ has just received a call that the police have found Sash, but he is in a terrible condition, he has been rushed to the hospital, but Lizwe is still on the run.  AJ call Sthandiwe her phone is answered by Gladys. 'Yes', says Gladys. 'Who is this? I am looking for Sthandiwe' ask AJ confused by voice of a person who answered the call. 'This is her mother, Sthandiwe is in the hospital she was shot a couple of days ago' says Gladys. 'Is she alright?' ask AJ. 'She is fine, who is this?' ask Gladys. 'I am AJ Nkosi, I called to let you know that Sash have been found, he is in a terrible condition, so he was rushed to the hospital' says AJ. 'Which hospital? we will come right now' says Gladys. 'No, we will handle this as a family, we would like you to give Sash space to recover' says AJ after he ends the call. 'Who is that, Mah?' ask Mike. 'It was AJ, he says Sash have been found but we are not allowed to see him' says Gladys. 'Who is AJ?' ask Mike. 'He is Sash's uncle' says Gladys. 'So, they now know that Sash is their family when he was raised by us, they have no right to stop us from seeing him' says Mike angry. 'Let it go Mike, Sash is an adult he will come back to us if he wants' says Gladys. 'What about Sthandiwe? you know this will kill her' says Mike. 'We will not tell her until she is back home' says Gladys. 'And Siviwe? you know he is out there looking for him' says Mike. 'I thought you said they are at a post office' says Gladys. 'I know they were lying Mah' says Mike. Ntando get in the sitting room where they are sitting. 'Krishi is still not back' says Ntando. 'Call your brother and tell him that Sash has been found they have to come home' says Mike. 

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