Chapter 9

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At night Thabelo, Siviwe, Ntando and Krishi have gotten home, they are coming from the police station to show them what they found on the phone. 'Thabelo why did you go to Lizwe's house?' ask Mike angry. 'Dad, we found Sash's phone in the house, that the police did not find so it a good thing we went there' says Thabelo. 'What if Lizwe was in that house and hurt you and your brother why did you go with him?' says Lizy. 'We are fine mom, don't worry nothing happened to us' says Ntando. 'Don't ever do this again, wait for the police to do their job' says Mike. 'Alright dad' says Thabelo. After they go to their rooms. In Mike's room he is talking with his wife. 'Alright since the book is already in our possession, now we have to find the letters' says Lizy. 'How you heard what Krishi said she said she lost them' says Mike. 'She was obviously lying; they are with Tonia we just have to find her uncle's house' says Lizy. 'I will tell my guy to find that information' says Mike taking his phone and calling someone. In Gladys's room she is looking at the photo album of her children and crying. Enter Krishi, 'Grandma, are you alright?' ask Krishi. 'Krishi, I have failed this family, the death of your grandfather ruined everything' says Gladys. 'I think you tried your best grandma' says Krishi. 'I don't think so, first it was Thabang's arrest, now Sthandiwe is dying in the hospital, and I have been treating my grandchildren very badly, I can't believe I thought Sash would hurt Sthandiwe' says Gladys. 'You can fix it now grandma now that you know Sash did not do anything, you can talk to the police to look for him' says Krishi. 'This is Thabang I know you don't know him since there are no pictures of him around the house' says Gladys showing a picture of a teenage boy wearing school uniform standing with a girl. 'Who is this?' asks Krishi pointing at the girl because she looks familiar. 'That is Tonia, Thabang's friend, they were very close, I heard that she was visiting him all these years in prison' says Gladys. Krishi just look at the picture surprised that Tonia never told her that she knows her family. And why was she following her the day Lizy chased her away? She did not understand what was going on. 'Are you alright Krishi?' ask Gladys. 'Yes, I am fine, I have to go now' says Krishi standing up and going out of the room. 

In an unknown location Sash is tied in a chair, next to a couch facing a Tv, it looks like a living room, while Lizwe is pacing up and down. 'This is all your fault, what am I going to do now? the police are looking for me' says Lizwe pacing up and down. 'Dad please let me go' says Sash. 'Oh, I am your father now, you have been disrespecting me calling me names, but I don't blame you, I blame that stupid woman who raised you, this is all her fault, listen carefully Sash I am not going back to jail' says Lizwe. Sash did not respond; he is so thirsty that his throat is starting to be dry. 'I should get money and escape, but I left the book in that house, having you here is a waste, that family does not even care that you are missing, can you believe that they think the both of us are in a run because we shot Sthandiwe' says Lizwe laughing. 'That is not true, you are lying' says Sash in a hoarse voice. Lizwe laugh. 'You think they care about you, if they do, why are they not looking for you? you have been here for a day, but they have already decided that you are a criminal, you are a wanted criminal now if you go out there the police will arrest you' says Lizwe. Sash looks at Lizwe with tears in his eyes. 'I know it hurts to know that the people you grew up thinking they are your family does not care about you, but it is what it is, I will feel better after killing you because I know nobody will miss you out there, I know you will rest in peace knowing the truth about your fake family, I just have to find a way to escape first' says Lizwe. 'What about you? you are my father, right? don't you care about me?' ask Sash in a hoarse voice with tears falling out of his eyes. 'Sash you are really naive, your mother's family made my life hell, I never wanted to marry your mother, I married her because her family was rich, but after her death, I married Sthandiwe , it was alright at first, but she found out about how your mother died which was your fault, I had to put her in her place, but after a month she poisoned me, and I was arrested for it, her family paid the police so I can be arrested, your mother's family took everything that belonged to your mother even you after I was arrested, I made a plan to make sure they could not have you and I succeeded, do you think Sthandiwe raised you by her choice I forced her to do that or else she could have went to jail, I had to make sure the bitch suffers after I got out of jail, I had to use you and your brother to get her to come back to me, she was going to pay for what she did, and yet again you ruined my plan by remembering how I killed your mother, I should have killed you together with your mother, you alive have ruined many things in my life but that is fine I will fix it now' says Lizwe sitting in a couch. Sash continues to cry. Lizwe open the TV and it shows the news about two wanted criminals, Lizwe and Sash' s photos are shown, Lizwe laugh. 

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