A Letter from Isotar II

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Hello, dear reader from across the fog,

I am the God of Balance, Isotar. I promised that I'd write again, however, it was a bit too soon. This letter is a warning for the entity I fear the most in Constegra. The reason for this entity to be so fearsome, more than the Maladied, is my inability to comprehend her thoughts. Don't you feel scared at the thought of something beyond your comprehension?

Remember, I control what you see but I do not control your thoughts nor see through your eyes.

Although I see through this entity's eyes, I do not hear nor feel anything from her heart. With the last of my remaining powers, I was able to extract her most intense feelings even if it was just a minuscule amount. I cannot promise you the same in the future unless this entity breaks first.

So, to commemorate our second letter I offer you another important information - the fearsome entity called Lauren Firstmane does not belong in Constegra.

A better way to put it is that half of her belongs somewhere else, outside of this world. This is the conclusion that I have come up with for now. I would be delighted to know what you make of this information.

I will write again,

God of Balance, Isotar.


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