A Letter from Isotar I

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Greetings, dear reader of this letter.

I am the God of Balance, Isotar. I control what information you are allowed to see. Don't worry, this is not a threat nor it is a way of protecting you. You are not worthy of that. You are here because I've led you here. Although I control what you see, but you are allowed to have your own thoughts. Because you are an outside force, immune to Malady.

I know what you are thinking - why should this letter matter to you?

Let me ask you one thing - is your world even worth living?

Because both of our worlds are fucked. You might as well escape it and into an even worse one.

I should apologize, that was out of line. I shouldn't try and influence you. My philosophy wouldn't allow it. I am but just a mere historical recounter. I see through the eyes of every living being in Constegra, all at the same time. My judgment is not biased to those I favor. Although there is nobody I favor, except for you - eyes that I've never seen through before. A bystander, just like me, whom I can say my equal.

I offer you important information that I myself cannot comprehend. I wonder what you make of it - the God of Animosity, Rakna took her own life in the name of Malady.

I'll be writing again.

God of Balance, Isotar.


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