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Kelsey's Pov
So today is finally the last day of school I am too excited, I had to look cute. So I put on my white true religion jeans, with my red crop top, and my bread 11s. I don't wear makeup like that because my beauty is natural but I put on some eyeliner and lipgloss. I knew today was gonna be a great day and nothing could stop it, and it was also a half day.

After I finished getting dressed I got in my car, and went to school. Once I arrived I went to the gym where we would just talk and here teachers speak about next year. But nobody even cares what the teacher had to say. As long as nobody had work to do and class to attend, the students were happy.

As I walk into the gym I was interrupted by Pryce. Before I could even say anything he grabbed my arm and took me into the hallway. "What are you doing Pryce" I said. "I'm trying to tell you something because you wouldn't answer my text , and I told you I'm not Rico. You will answer me K" Pryce demanded. "Look what do you want to tell me so bad" " Well Ciara still hasn't told you that I apologized. So I'm trying to apologize for how I acted, and I just want to start all over because we started on the wrong foot." " Maybe she had a reason for not telling me knowing that I can't stand you." I yelled.
Pryce Pov
I'm trying to apologize to Kelsey in a nice way, but she won't accept it. " "Look you may find me rude, but for the sake of Jawan and our friends could we try to get along girl." "You know what your lucky I care about Jawan or else I wouldn't even try to deal with you." "Thank you friend" I said "Don't push it Pryce" Kelsey said while walking to the gym. I'm finally making some progress.

Shania Pov
While I was using my phone I felt somebody poke me, and it was K. "Hey girl I'm so happy it's the last day, you going to my party on Thursday right" I said "Girl I would miss it for anything in the (GCO) "Hey Bitch why didn't u text me Kel" said Ciara. I noticed Kelsey look a little upset or irritated to see Ciara. " Well I'm not gone hold y'all up so I'm gonna go okay." I said as I left to sit with Dylan.

Ciara Pov
"Kel what's wrong your acting strange with me I'm your fucking bestfriend" I said. " I know but why didn't you tell me Pryce apologized." Kelsey said "Because I didn't think that it was that important, its just Pryce. I said " Cee you had me acting like a bitch for no reason, and I kinda fell bad because that's not me as a person." " Well I didn't know you cared that much about what Pryce thinks, but anyway sorry and I got you next time." I said smiling " You better." K said sarcastically.

Dylan Pov
So today is gonna be hella turnt because party at my house. So in order to tell everybody I got up and screamed "Party at my house text me if you coming!!" I heard about 30 people yell hell yeah. Then Ms.Browns came up the bleachers ruining shit "You guys need to calm down, before you all are in-trouble" she said. I'm just wondering how can u get in-trouble on the last day of school. But anyway tonight gonna be turnt, be there or be sorry that you didn't come.

Later That Night*

Pryce Pov
Damn I got a good feeling about tonight, a party to celebrate finally getting out of school. You know the ladies are going to be there, so I put on my hare 7s, light blue jeans, and a white tee. Since I'm not getting a car until my 17th which is in about 4 weeks, I had Jawan pick me up in the way to the party. When we got there I saw a couple cuties, but I wasn't really interested. I wasn't really feeling that party until they brung out the drinks

Finally something to get me buzzed. Since Jawan is graduating tomorrow he stayed sober. I can't lie what ever I was drinking was amazing.

Ciara Pov
"Hey Pryce, can I have some of your drink." "Nah get your own there's ple- (GCO) "Come on Ciara u don't need a drink anyway." Kelsey said as she pulled me away. Me and Kelsey got something to drink, but of course my bestfriend being such a good girl she got juice. But I love that she's not bad like me, she is the better half of me.

" So you see any cuties Cee" " Yeah but he doesn't think I'm cute." I said. "Bitch if you don't stop playing, not with your pretty face and thick body, you've got ass for dayzz!! Like bitch I got no ass can I borrow some" Kelsey said laughing. Then we both started laughing, if only everybody had a friend like Kelsey.

No Ones Pov
So the party went on, everybody was dancing. Just having a great time after a long school year. Everything was chill at the party, even Pryce and Kelsey were talking.

Jawan Pov
Just chillin with my bro Dylan and Shania and Erica. This party is just what I need before I graduate. "I'm sorry Dylan but my party gone be better than this" Shania said with a smirk on her face. "Oh really" Dylan sarcastically replied. " Oooh is there a bet here, who's party is the best. I said trying to instigate the situation. " Well just watch when we at my party" Shania said being cocky. Anyway after that we just all sat and talked about life, but I kinda felt left out since everybody else was buzzed.

Ciara Pov
I see Pryce in the corner just feeling the music and talking to Rico. "So Pryce- (GCO) "Pryce excuse me, I see something that has caught my eye" Rico said like a player. "No problem, go head bro.

Pryce Pov
So now me and Ciara are just sitting her talking. It's boring but I'm not gonna dis her and just leave her sitting alone, since Kelsey is haning with Jawan and Shania. "So Pryce we never really talk like that." Ciara said. "I know but I don't feel like getting into that right now, I feel great and I just wanna chill." "So you got a lot on your mind right now I see." she said "Yeah and how about you." "Same" Ciara said. "Ugh I can- (GCO) "Since we both have a lot on our mind how about I get us something to take this away" Ciara said grabbing my arm. "Like what." I said " Well my cousin makes the best weed in the A you wanna try some." she said. "I don't know, but I guess."

Ciara Pov
We both left the party and got in my car (a white 2015 Doge charger) and left the party.
I wonder what Ciara and Pryce are going to do, I guess you'll have to wait until next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry it's late. Wattpad would not let me post this chapter, it kept showing me an error message. But it's up now

For Next Chapter
8-10 votes and 2 comments cuz this one about to be extra juicy.


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