4|Celebrating Problems

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Dylan's Pov
Oh man yesterday was turnt, I can't imagine a better night. It's going to be hard for Shania to beat that one. But enough about the party, today is my man Jawan graduation I'm so proud. If only I could be in his damn shoes. Since none of the crew can go to Jawans graduation(because it's only for family members) we decided to have a little surprise dinner/hangout for him. I know this nigga is about to be surprised.

Jawan Pov
Man I'm lucky my graduation is at 4:30 in the afternoon because I am so tired from last night. However my mom ruined my sleep and woke me up. "Jawan you better get up now boy, you got a lot to do and we still gotta pick up your grandmother". my mom said " Ma can't you just get her yourself since your up and ready, please I'm tired" "Fine but you better be ready by 3:00 to pick up that beautiful girl Kelsey, remind me why you don't date her again" my mom said walking out my room. I yelled "She's my bestfriend mom nothing more". Damn I don't know why my mom want me to date Kelsey. I know I hang out with her a lot but it's because she such a cool person to be around. There is never drama with her except the thing with Pryce.

Kareem Pov (sorry I haven't put him in yet)
Today is Jawan's big day, I'm so mad I can't celebrate with them after. My moms making me go to Texas for the summer but it's all Gucci.

Pryce Pov
I want to be happy for my bro Jawan but this thing with C got me like. I can't even say that hoe name, and to think that I have to sit in a room with her today. This bitch is really nasty, I mean like her mama didn't teach her to keep her legs closed. However that's none of my business. All I have to worry about is having a good time tonight.

*Now 3:30 in the afternoon

Kelsey's Pov
Today is my bestfriends big day besides his wedding, but lucky enough I get to go. I can't imagine not being at Jawan's graduation, good thing he saved a ticket for me. So you know I have to look cute today, because all the hot seniors are going to be there. Before I put on my clothes I freshened up, since I went shopping today. I wore an all white strapless dress with my strappy white heels, and a white and gold clutch. Also I did a lil eyeliner with some gold and black eyeshadow. Now you might be thinking way to dressy but we are going out to dinner at this expensive restaurant with his family after his graduation. And I gotta dress to impress *chuckles*.

Jawan Pov
I got in my car and headed to pick up Kel. I'm all dressed up and ready in my white on black tux, with my my gold and black Gucci loafers. I can't lie I'm feeling myself a little. When I got to Kelsey's front door and knocked I was so excited to see what she wore. Of coarse she look bomb as hell, damn I know she my bestfriend but her ass pocking out in that dress. I think I almost fell in love. "Damn K what the hell done happened to you, it's like you glowed up over night" "Awe thanks Jawan, but calm down nigga it's just a dress and heels" she said smiling."What ever you look amazing now let's get in this car before my mom kills me for being late" I replied.

Ciara Pov
So I've been crying trying to think of ways to tell Pryce my situation. Ugh what if he doesn't believe me. Also I've been getting text from Robert threatening me not to tell anybody or else he'll hurt Pryce and me. I don't care about me he's already damaged me so many times, however Pryce shouldn't have to get hurt in all this. Ever since I been getting these text I asked my mom can I change my phone number. I told her its because some creep keeps texting me from different numbers. Once I have my number changed I'll feel like I'm free from perv Robert.

Erica Pov
Today is the day I graduate I wish my dad could be here, but he's in prison. I know he is going to be so proud when he finds out I graduated. At least my grandmother will be there, my mom lets just not talk about her. I'm just trying to make a better life for myself. I go to school with Jawan them, but they don't know my life at home. All of them live in a nice house or condo, while I live in a house in the bad part of Atlanta. When I go to school it feels like I'm free from all the shooting and gangs around my neighborhood. Today me graduating and going to college means a chance for me to change my life.

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