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It hurt.

Looking at him hurt.

One time he looked up; when his large upper body was hunched over his singular table. He was leaning on his forearm with his chin rested upon his fisted hand which pressed into his skin. One time he looked up.

She turned around, vaguely unaware of what she was doing as she was so used to just, looking over at him. Peering over her left shoulder with her dark, brown hair tumbling ever so slightly over her right eye, protected by her big, black rimmed glasses, she looked.

Her heart didn't drop until he looked back.

His eyes suddenly snapped up from when they were once placed, staring intently at the pale wood of his desk, his chocolate brown eyes suddenly snapped up, and she was frozen.

He just looked at her, with a look so devouring she felt as though she was sinking in a pit of nothingness but felt warm, so didn't mind. Her heart pounded in the pit of her stomach and her breathing picked up to a more rapid pace.

Her eyes left his and concentrated on his shoes for a second too long, then hastily turned back around and fixed her eyes on the page set in front of her, on the page where she was expected to bleed words which were supposed to flow out of her like water. She couldn't focus, all she could picture were his eyes, the way they captured her and tied her up, making her feel as though time would never tick on, as though her heart would forever play on that one beat.

He trapped her, and sliced her open, cutting her right down the middle and exposing her soul to the shivering cold of the world, her soul hurt, her heart hurt. It hurt that she could never have him.

Suddenly the shrieking chime of the school bell that echoed in the hallways and seeped into the classrooms indicating that their AP English class was now over and done with, snapped out of her flushed state.

"Please hand in your assignments." Asked the teacher, but her page was blank with nothing but the words, "A Brush Past Death." Written on them, nervously she pulled herself out of her seat and threw her binder into her bag and began to take long steps to the door which led her to her freedom.

"Miss Darwin." Her stomach churned uncomfortably as she turned around, "Yes, Sir?" she squeaked, her voice undeniably trembling.

"Your assignment, please." He asked politely and stretched out his hand, waiting for her to hand over the page whose ends stuck out of her bag haphazardly. Suddenly she had no words and out of the corner of her eye could see him, slowing pushing the things in his bag and watching the scene play out before him, his large, mesmerizing eyes were fixed on her, expectant of what she was to say.

"I haven't finished it, Sir." She responded,

"Maria." The teacher said in a disapproving tone, "I-I'm sorry, Sir. I seem to have just lost track of time during class, let my thoughts run away with me, but not allowing them to flow on paper." Maria explained as a warm feeling of uncertainty crept and filled her body. Mr. Hester simply chuckled, he knew Maria was good at English and knew how wild her thoughts, usually, ran.

"Very well dear, hand it in tomorrow." Mr. Hester simply stated as he rearranged the pages on his table into an orderly manner. With a small nod of the head, Maria turned to head out but suddenly was stopped when a tall, lean, fit figure obstructed her way, "Whoa. Sorry."

He said as he held on to her upper arms, to keep from the two of them colliding. From the close proximity of their bodies she could smell the peppermint in his breath and the way his eyes weren't entirely brown but splashed with golden.

She didn't respond, instead she looked down at her feet and nodded with a small smile, he let go of her and walked away, just like that.

She let out a breath and looked down the hall and saw his broad shoulders contract and relax and he walked away.
He had broad shoulders with a semi-wide torso and narrow hips with long legs and arms thick enough for them to look good on his body. Maria's cheeks tinted crimson once again as she walked to her locker, clutching onto the strap of her bag, following his figure. It was the only way to get to her locker.

Head down she quickened her pace and passed his body. She could feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of her head and deep down, she hoped, it was his, she always did, but she was different and having him would jeopardize everything.

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