Chapter 2:The ghosts of our past are always welcome

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The sounds of voices were the ones to wake me up. I barely had time to breathe before the pain from yesterday's work started to kick in. It felt as if someone had decided to use my body as a doormat. I rubbed my eyes, trying to wipe the nausea I felt away, somehow. Then my eyes landed on Sasha, who was the only girl I was familiar with here. As I went on to speak, my brain actually started its processing, and only then did I realize I had absolutely no idea how I had ended up in the dorms.

"Hell happened?"

I finally sat up at the extremely low speed that my soaring muscles allowed me to.

Sasha turned around, already freshened up and in a neat looking uniform, unlike me, who was currently a barely awake mess.

A huge grin was plastered on her face, and I wondered how she could be so enthusiastic first thing in the morning.

"Reiner brought you, he said you passed out."


It took a split second for the memories of yesterday to freshen up in my mind, now remembering the way I hugged and then proceeded to pass out all in the arms of Reiner in full detail.

Panicking was, unfortunately, the only reaction my foggy brain could manage having right now.

The embarrassment that I felt was more than detectable. My eyes were wide open, my cheeks red, and my hands had found their place at my head, tugging on my hair with the clear intent of ripping it out.

Sasha was now kneeling in front of me, with her hands gently wrapped around my wrists. However, when she noticed I wasn't even paying attention to her words, her hold got a whole more firm. She practically yanked my hands and then spoke softly as if she wasn't squeezing my wrists close to their breaking point.

"No reason to be so dramatic, same exact thing happened to me, Artem-"

"Oooh, no, no, no, it did not. You... you passed out on Christa after eating. I HUGGED REINER. AND THEN PASSED OUT WHILE HUGGING HIM. HELL WAS I THINKING?!"

At this point, Sasha had completely given up on trying to console me. She accepted that my monologue would not stop no matter what anyone told me.

While I was going through it, I happened to notice all the weird stares that were being sent to us two. In full honesty, I did not care at all. I was already embarrassed about one thing, I could not afford to let myself care about anything else.

But my words were swiftly cut once I felt a hold that was abnormally strong for a teenage girl on my shoulder.

My head slowly turned to be met with a black haired girl with tired, gray eyes. My ears had picked up her name last night at dinner.... Mikasa Ackerman.

"He didn't do anything to you, if you're wondering about that as well."

Somehow, her much... calmer and stoic presence managed to snap me back into reality.

I let a huge sigh escape my lips. In the end, there was no way to erase the way I made a total fool of myself the day before. But, I always tried to see the positive side of things in every single situation. In this particular one, it was the fact that I now had an excuse to speak to Reiner again. I should thank him properly and also apologize.

After making sure I could act like a normal, civilized being once more I sent a smile at Mikasa, appreciating her subtle way of looking out for me.

"Thank you."

She didn't bother to reply, nor react at all. She only took her hand off my shoulder and started walking out of the dorms. Sasha and I took that as a silent cue to join her.

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