The Most Creative Title Ever

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We had lunch and two more classes that day, transfiguration, and History of magic. History of magic was...entertaining to say the least. The professor was a ghost and was scared of Nico, Nico was insisting that he continue with class but the ghost decided to instead spend the entire class period explaining why he was here.

Nico tried explaining in English, Italian, Ancient Greek, and Latin that he did not care. The ghost then said, that he would make sure all the ghosts in the castle go and speak to Nico. Nico tried to beg him not to do that but the ghost professor left the room yelling, "it's the least I can do my lord." Nico put his head on the desk and asked Will to take him out of his misery, Will just patted his back.

Now here we are at dinner and Nico is currently trying to hide from the ghosts that are floating around the great hall. According to the long, one sided conversation with the ghost professor, I think his name was Binns, the ghosts have been avoiding the son of Hades.

"Do you think they see me?" Asked the frantic son of Hades. Will shook his head for what was probably the hundredth time since we got in the great hall. I on the other hand was getting a kick out of it. "I'm glad you find this funny kelphead," Nico said covering his face with his class schedule. "I do, I really do zombie dude," I laughed.

While laughing Ron, Hermione, and Harry sat down near us. "Why are you laughing and why is he hiding in his class schedule?" Asked Ron. "Nico is hiding from the ghosts because he doesn't want to speak to them, and Percy is enjoying his cousins misery," Annabeth explained while reading a book. I have no clue where she got said book we haven't been to the library today.

Before more could be said the great hall went quiet as Dumbledore called for everyone's attention. "We've gotten a speech every day since we got here," Harry pointed out. Then turned to listen to the head master.  I on the other hand ignored the speech because one, who actually listens to speeches? And two, I already know what's being said. Instead I elected to fold my schedule as many times as possible until Annabeth confiscated it clearly annoyed with the sound of crumpling paper. Luckily the speech ended and Dumbledore sat back down.

"There's going to be a ball with other demigods, and Chiron?" Hermione was practically jumping out of her seat. "Who's Mr. D?" Ron asked "Mr. D is our camp director," Annabeth answered closing her book as the food appeared. "He might not come though, he doesn't like, children, mortals, satyrs, or really anyone," I explained lifting a finger with each word said. "Then why does he work with kids?" Questioned Hermione. "He's being punished, he's actually one of the 12 Olympians and now he's being forced to work with Chiron," Annabeth explained taking a bite of her food. "By the way, my names Annabeth, daughter of Athena, and the one who's trying to get Nico to eat more is Will son of Apollo." Will looked away from Nico for two seconds and gave a small wave. The three wizards introduced themselves and began eating.

After dinner we headed back to the Gryffindor common room with the trio and all got to know each other better. Annabeth whispered to me about what Chiron told her before she left while the others learned to play wizards chess.

"They said that there's an upcoming war here. Also, there's been a rise in monster attacks, demigods can no longer leave camp safely. We ran into so many monsters on the way to the airport. I'm honestly confused why none have attacked here," Annabeth whispered to me maybe a little to loudly. Harry was sitting close to us and was staring at us confused. When he noticed that we saw him staring he stopped and resumed explaining the rules of Wizards chess to Will who was listening intently, and a Nico who wasn't listening.

"We should probably talk after they all head to bed," I pointed out. Annabeth nodded and began smiling, "you need to tell me about this entire castle everything you know seaweed brain." "Well, I know that it's old, and it's made of stone, and the stairs move," I listed earning myself a light slap on the arm. "Percy, how can you stay in this gorgeous and historical castle and not learn anything?" Annabeth expressed. "In his defense he also stayed at mortal and muggle boarding schools outside this one and learned nothing," Nico quipped.

Enemies or Allies? Harry Potter and Percy Jackson crossover. Where stories live. Discover now