You Aren't a Demigod Harry

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Finally caught up on editing!


I started occlumency lessons with Snape a while ago and by this point you'd think I'd understand it. The truth is I can't figure it out. I know they said me not learning it would be dangerous because Voldemort could use the dreams to his advantage but we could also use them to our advantage. I need to know what's behind those doors.

Unfortunately, here I was in professor Snape's office learning about Occlumency. "Clear your mind Potter, don't let me enter your mind." Snape stood in front of me holding his wand out, "legilimency," Snape casted the spell and images of my life filled my mind. I tried to get him out of my mind instead I was on the floor when I regained my senses.

"Do you want the dark lord to see into your mind? If so you're getting your wish," Snape sneered. "The demigods told me they get dreams of their enemies and the future. How do we know this is not what this is?" I asked the professor. "You aren't a demigod Potter," Snape answered is his usual monotoned voice. "Did the demigods also mention how their enemies can't use the dreams to see into their minds like ours can?" Before I could answer Snape casted his spell again.

I exited the classroom ready to scream at the next person who so much as looked at me. I made my way towards Gryffindor tower replaying the Occlumency lesson in my mind. I doubt I'll ever be able to clear my mind like Snape insisted.

I entered the common room to see the demigods sitting by the fire when they noticed me they waved. I walked over to the group who all seemed to be smiling. "What are you lot doing?" I asked. "Not much, we are just talked. Where have you been?" Annabeth asked. "Occlumency lessons. If anyone asks though I was in remedial potions with Snape." None of them seemed phased by the fact I wanted them to lie and just shrugged accepting my answer.

"What's, oct medicine?" Percy asked not even trying to pronounce the word right. "Occlumency is a magic where you clear your mind to keep people from accessing your thoughts." I answered taking a seat in an empty spot next to Nico. "So, something we definitely would fail at because of ADHD. Do you think adhd wizards could do it?" Percy turned towards Annabeth expecting an answer. Instead he got a look that said, 'why would I know?' From her.

"So, what do they expect you to gain from this?" Will questioned ignoring Percy and Annabeth who started bickering. "Block Voldemort from my mind." "I mean I get where they are coming from. Wizards aren't like demigods. There is a high chance Voldemort would be able to see what is being planned on the orders side," Annabeth reasoned turning away from her boyfriend.

"I guess," I sighed slumping into my seat. Eventually everyone began conversing amongst themselves.


We were all walking to a DA meeting while Nico and Will argued over what is considered kidnapping. Which was a really weird topic starting with Will telling Nico he has no regards for his own safety.

Nico says kidnapping is, being taken against your will, unable to leave, and harmed. Will says, it's being taken against your will and unable to leave. It's does not matter if you were harmed or not. Why is this a big deal to them? Well, here's the story.

Like I said before Will says Nico has no regards for his own safety. Hence why he gets kidnapped so much. Nico says he's only been kidnapped once. Will pointed out, the Furies, Minos, and the jar. Nico said, "Will the Minos and Furies things don't count cause I wasn't harmed." Which leads to now.

"Ok, I'm with Will.  Also, what about all the times Will had kidnapped you to get you to go to the infirmary?" Annabeth chimed in. "Well that wasn't against his Will because his Will kidnapped him," I joked smiling. "That was a terrible joke Jackson and does not count because I wasn't harmed!" "Nico, this is why I'm concerned! If you are unable to leave and are there against your wi-" Will stopped what he was saying when I snickered. Rolling his eyes he continued. "If you didn't consent to go with them and cannot leave when you want then it's kidnapping," Will stated matter of factly.

"What the bloody hell is this conversation?" Ron asked flabbergasted. "Who gets kidnapped so often they have to define?" Hermione looked concerned. "I've been kidnapped once, Annabeth had been kidnapped technically three times, Nico has been kidnapped three times, Will hasn't been kidnapped yet," I listed off. "Bloody hell," Ron murmured and walked off shaking his head. We finally arrived at the DA and I was excited for a normal secret class.

A/n: Short and late update sorry.

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