First Case ~ Seattle Strangler pt. 1

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'Text'- means text messages between characters or phone calls

**All characters that are from Criminal Minds and Harry Potter belong to the respective creators and owners. I don't own them or create them.**


(Before the team flies to Seattle)

"So let me get this straight," Hermione says. "There have been 4 bodies in 4 months? And they were kept alive for a week before they were killed?"

"Yes. That's right." Gideon replies. "Do you know why the unsub uses the handle as a crank?"

"To allow him to control the rate of suffocation." Reid jumps in before Hermione, or anyone else has the opportunity to jump in.

"That's definitely an option. Or they could be enjoying it." Hermione chimes in.

"That's also a viable option as well. Good shout." Hotchner says.

"What about the evidence? Is there anything at the crime scenes?" Morgan chimes in.

"No. No physical evidence. No tangible leads or clues as to who is behind it." Gideon says.

JJ enters the room. "Guys, another girl went missing. 22 year old Heather Woodland."

(Present Time):

"The first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh." Hermione reads out from the file. "There are stab wounds and strangulation."

"Hold on," Derek says. "He strangled her to finish the job?"

"The other way around. Strangled her, then stabbed her to finish the job." Hermione says. "Why else do you think he started to use the belt in the second murder?"

"Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe. He tried, probably found that it took too long."  Reid says.

"He also probably realized that it would take too long to clean up, not to mention the hours it would take to clean the blood up," Hermione says.

Everyone looks at her confused at first, but then they nod in agreement. 

"You have a point. Hence the next time he used a belt to kill." Hermione says.

(F.B.I. Northwest Field Office; Seattle, Washington)

"This is Special Agent Gideon. Special Agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes. Special Agent Reid." Hotch says, introducing the team.

"Doctor Reid." Gideon chimes in.

"Doctor Reid, our expert on, well, everything." Hotch says. "This is Agent Granger, new to the team, but valued. And after two years busting my butt in this office, I hope you remember me."

The agents quickly chuckle at that comment. Reid and Gideon look at the evidence on the boards set up in the bullpen. 

"When did the FBI start looking into the case?" Hermione asks.

"After body number 4 sweetcheeks." One of the members of the FBI Seattle office says.

Hermione turns to the guy. "Don't. Call. Me. Sweetcheeks." She says firmly, in a don't test me tone, while glaring at him, one she had picked up from Professor Snape while at Hogwarts. "My name is Agent Granger."

"Sorry ma'am. Won't happen again." The agent said, before scurrying away to do work.

"Do y'all want to see our list of suspects?" Another agent asks.

"No. We will come up with the profile first, then look at a list of suspects. We want to stay unbiased with the profile." Hotch says.

"Let's meet with the task force at 4 pm," Gideon says.

"An accurate profile. By 4 pm? Are you sure we can do that?" Morgan asks incredulously. "I don't think we can."

"Boss, where do you want to start?" Reid asks.

"Let's start at the site of the last murder," Gideon replies.


Sorry for the upload a year-ish later. Got busy, and also forgot my login information, and had to reset it.


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