Leaving Britain:

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**All characters that are from Criminal Minds and Harry Potter belong to the respective creators and owners. I don't own them or create them.**

Hermione walks into the office of Kingsley Shacklebolt, the current Minister of Magic.

"Kingsley, I'm quitting effective immediately. I have passed Dobby's Law and Lupin's Law,  and I need a change of pace. I'm sorry to ask this of you, but can you not tell anyone, and keep this private?"

"Of course Miss Granger. I'm sad to see you go, but I thought you would have left us sooner. I can get a Portkey arranged for you tomorrow morning at 6 am if you would like."

"Thank you for understanding Minister, and I will happily take you up on that offer for the Portkey. I'm going to Virginia, and I will keep in touch."

"Thank you, Miss Granger. I can get the Portkey ready, and don't be late."

Hermione leaves the office and goes back home to her flat, packing all of her clothes and furniture, making sure not to forget anything. Once finished, she apparates to the Burrow, where all the Weasleys, and Harry, were going to be for the weekly dinner.

"I have an announcement I would like to make," Hermione says nervously. Everyone looks at her expectantly. "I'm moving to America. I need a change in scenery, and I feel like I can't do anything more here. I already passed laws that have improved life for many, but I need this change in pace and scenery. I will miss all of you and will write to all of you when I get myself settled, and will also write when I can after that."

"We all will miss you 'Mione. But if that is what you think is best for you, then I support you." Harry says, almost immediately after she finishes talking, and gets up to hug her tightly. All the Weasley's also said words of support of her decision to leave.

"Where will you be going?" Ron asks.

"Virginia. I hope to get a job in the Muggle world there to have a break from magic." Hermione answers.

"Why Virginia?" Mrs. Weasley asks, confused and curious as to why Hermione was going to Virginia.

"I want to see some of their state parks and see their museums. Plus I think it will be a good place for me to relax. I leave tomorrow morning. And please keep this to yourselves, I don't want anyone knowing outside all of you and Kingsley."

"Understood 'Mione." Chorused the Weasley's and Harry.

The following morning, Hermione walks into the Magical Transport Department of the Ministry and gets to her Portkey, and grabs it without hesitation, excited to start her new life in Quantico. Once she arrives in Quantico, she goes to the local magic street, Longmeadow Garden Road, and walks to Allied Ward Banks Inc. to exchange some of her money into Muggle money, having already transferred her money from Gringotts to Allied Ward Banks In. the previous day. She goes to a muggle - well no-maj - realtor, and purchased a cute house in Dumfries, Virginia, and had some witches and wizards from the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) come and put wards and protections up on her house, allowing her to keep in compliance with their rules about magic around no-maj's.

Once she settles in, she pens a letter to Harry and the Weasley's:

Harry, Ron and the Weasley's,

I arrived safely to the United States. There are some differences here. They call Muggles no-maj's, which is so much nicer sounding than Muggle. They also have worked out how to use cell phones and technology around magic without them getting drained instantly, which will be nice to use to contact you all, as a possibility. Everyone here seems nice so far. I found a place to live, not to far from Quantico, which is where a lot of muggle FBI people come and train I believe.

I also am close enough to a city called Alexandria, so if I choose to, I can go to their capitol city, Washington D.C. I believe through a metro. A metro is basically a train, but with no carriages, and has many stops along the route. I think that visiting Washington D.C. will be a fun trip in the future, there are so many museums and monuments to visit and look at and learn from.

There also is a magical population here, with a cute street, Longmeadow Garden Road, and a bank as well which will be good so that I can keep up with magical news and studies.

I hope that this reaches you well, and I hope everyone is doing well,


Hermione sends her letter off with Ruby, her Great Horned Owl, letting her know who to deliver the letter to. Hermione realizes that it's half ten in the evening, and she should start to wind down for bed because she had a long day following. She was going to see if there was a way to apply to the FBI, or the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. Once she showered she quickly climbed into bed and fell asleep shortly after.

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