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"Where are we going?" my brother asks as I am dragging him out with me followed by my mother.

I hail a taxi, "I just need to get out of here right now." I say hurriedly.

Turning back, I plead with Mom, "I can't go home right now, please."

She recognizes my desperation to stay away from my father right now, so we all jump into a taxi.

"Where to?" the driver asks.

"Take us to the nearest beach." Instructs my mother and I sigh in relief.

I don't have any energy to talk to anymore and I think they both understand.

Rohan holds my hand and in no time, we reach the nearest beach.

Its 2pm in the afternoon and weather here is pleasant. The fresh beach air and sounds of the waves calms the storm brewing in my heart.

I don't even know when I sat down, a little away from the crowd.

Mom sits on my right and Rohan on my left, giving me their silent support and strength. I don't think I can ask for anything more right now.

Sitting there silently numb to my bones, my mind goes through every single event that has happened in last couple of days. I'm trying so hard to block everything.

The waves coming to the shore are low so, I fold up my sweats and start to walk toward the sea. I stop only when I feel the water till my knees and stand there for a long - long time.

You are doing the right thing. You can give your mom and brother a better life. You are doing this for them. They don't deserve the life they are living right now. They can't switch off their emotions like you do. Don't over think it just do it. You'll be fine.

I keep repeating this until it's all I can feel. I keep repeating this until they are all I can see and once again lock everything in an iron clad box.

Turning around I go back to where Rohan and mom are still sitting. Now there's a bunch of snacks laid out on an old newspaper.

Rohan calls out, "Walk fast, you know I don't have any patience with food."

It makes me laugh and mom joins in too.

For next few hours we eat, laugh and talk about everything and nothing. I guess we all need a distraction and break from our current life.

Mom points out to a shaded area for us to rest, we are a little tired now from all the walking.

We sit in silence for few minutes taking in the nature and people around us.

Turning towards me, mom says softly, "We have to talk about it."

"I know." I reply quietly, not looking at either of them.

Mom carries on, "You know you don't have to do this. You have a lot to accomplish before you ever get married. I don't know what's gotten inside your father's head. You know I wouldn't have let you come here if I had known-"

"I know" I try to reassure her, but she continues on, "I'll fight him tooth and nail. I'll take care of it. Don't worry."

"Mom!" I interrupt her, taking her hand into mine.

"I know you didn't know about this" I say gently. "I don't blame you for anything okay? And as far as my studies are concerned, I can do it anywhere and I think out of the country might even be better for me than here"

I need to convince them that it will be good for me or else they will never let me go.

"Out of the country!?"they both shout-exclaim.

The Broken Heart SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now