The second map

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The four arrive at the estate.They walk into the main building they are greeted by the leader of the demon slayers.

They walk into the main building they are greeted by the leader of the demon slayers

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Ubuyashiki:Greetings tanjiro.It is an honor to meet you.
Tanjiro politely bows.
Tanjiro:Greetings sir.
Ubuyashiki:From what I understand,you seek a map of the surge of demons?
Tanjiro:Correct sir,it will be very helpful.
Ubuyashiki:May I ask you a question?
Tanjiro:I don't mind.
Ubuyashiki:What is your goal?
Tanjiro:...My goal?
Ubuyashiki:I've heard of the legends and tales. But still,I want to hear it from you,what exactly do you wish to achieve?
Tanjiro:I have to goals.The first and most important one to me is avenging my family.I'm going to find the lord of demons,Muzan,and kill him.
Ubuyashiki:What about the lives of the demons you've taken thus far?
Tanjiro:They were simply in my way. Sometimes it was personal,but at other times,it was just because they were obstacles.The main demon I hold anger towards is Muzan.
Ubuyashiki:Is that because he created the demons?
Tanjiro:No,I have no vendetta against the species of demons.I only hate Muzan,because he was the one who slaughtered my family.If it had been a human,nothing would have changed.
Ubuyashiki:How very curious.Let me ask you something else please,if a demon slayer had stood in your path,would you have taken their life?
Tanjiro:Yes,without hesitation.In fact,I have come very close to killing several of your hashira.
Ubuyashiki makes no specific expression.
Ubuyashiki:I see.What about your second goal?
Tanjiro:...To rule.
Tanjiro:It's simply an idea.On my journey,I've seen what is wrong with this world,and it's you.Demons,humans, in reality you're all the same to me.But because neither of you can accept that,normal people are caught up in your war.I've seen what demons can do,and I've seen what humans can do,as far as I can tell no one is good,and no one is innocent.The only people undeserving of tragedies are the demons and humans who try to do good,to be away from your little war.As far as I'm concerned,no one,not you,not the demons,no one deserves to come out of this war alive.And in the end,when you all die,demons and humans alike,what was it all for?Who was the problem?Why was THIS the solution?At this point neither species is going to survive unless they're told to just stop,and that's who I am. The one who stops this senseless bloodshed.
Ubuyashiki:...I suppose you are correct.
Ubuyashiki:In the end nothing separates demons and humans from each other.This isn't really humanity or demon kinds war,it is one between me and Muzan.Now then,the map.
Ubuyashiki hands the map to tanjiro.As tanjiro is about to leave,Ubuyashiki suddenly bows down.
Ubuyashiki:I apologize for my hashira's actions towards you and your friends.
Tanjiro was confused.He wasn't sure what to expect,but he knew that he wasted expecting this of all things.
Ubuyashiki:I understand that Giyu had attacked your sister,and that the rest of my hashira have not been very kind to you.For that,I apologize.
Tanjiro:...It's fine.
Tanjiro finally walks away until Mitsuri calls out to him.
Mitsuri:Wait!I want to ask you something.
Mitsuri:What happened...with the other hashira?
Tanjiro:So you really want to know?
Mitsuri nods.Tanjiro sighs and starts from the beginning.
Tanjiro:One day,my family was slaughtered by Muzan.
Mitsuri:T-the king of demons?
Tanjiro:Yes.He had turned my sister into a demon as well,and that was when the water hashira came.He tried to kill her,but I stood in his way and my chest was sliced open.
Tanjiro:And then,I met the insect hashira.She was poisoning a friend of mine,who was also a demon,and tried to kill her.And then there was those two demon slayers with the horde of demons.The snake and wind hashira.
Tanjiro:They tried to fight me,but in the end I... convinced them that wasn't a good idea.And then there was that sound hashira,he was forcing one of your assistants to go to a...very unsafe place for young girls,I can only imagine what he was trying to do,and he also couldn't keep his hands to himself.I fought him,and I cut his hands off,and then I took his swords.
Tanjiro walks away until Genya calls out.
Genya:Hey!I'm coming with you.
Genya:I haven't gotten to kill a demon in a while,might as well follow you.
Mitsuri:Um,I'll come too!
Genya:Hey,are you stealing my idea!?
Mitsuri waves her hands and tires to dismay the compliment as tanjiro begins to flashback to his friends,inosuke and Zenitsu.Tanjiro chuckles.
Tanjiro:Let's go then,all three of us.
Mitsuri:Actually tanjiro,there's one more thing I want to ask you,if you're not a demon slayer, then how did you master the total concentration breathing,constant?
Mitsuri:Did you not know it?You seemed so strong that I assumed.
Tanjiro:No,but that sounds useful,what is it?
Kiyo:We'll tell you!
The trio looks to see Kiyo with her own trio.
Kiyo:Follow us!
The girls drag tanjiro away.They show him a collection of gourds.
Kiyo:The idea is to use the breathing technique for every minute of every day.And then you breathe har de life into these super tough gourds to break them!
Tanjiro:Sounds advanced,and difficult.
Kiyo:It is,but it's super helpful too.
Tanjiro:Alright then,I'll try it.
Tanjiro spends the day constantly using the breathing technique.It's hard and it hurts his very lungs,but Tanjiro's endured far more painful things than this.As tanjiro endures the training,he also takes a look at his new demon blood art power.He learns how to use electricity,summon a variety of weapons,and even creates and manipulates wood.Thanks to the demon's genes,any pain from the training is short lived.Tanjiro endures the pain for at least a week before trying the gourds.The first one breaks easily,the second one is incomparably tougher,but it still breaks eventually,and then the third one,it requires all of his strength but in the end it does break.
Tanjiro lifts the trio in celebration.
Tanjiro:Thank you girls for your help.
Tanjiro bids the trio farewell and looks for Genya and Mitsuri.As he searches,he hears Genya arguing with sanemi.
Sanemi:Slow poke,just quit while you're ahead.
Genya:Fuck off.
Sanemi:How did you even get here?Trash.
Tanjiro wasn't surprised,they both had nasty attitudes.He interrupts and speaks in a stern voice.
Tanjiro:Genya!Do you still want to come?I'm leaving now after I find Mitsuri.
Tanjiro walks away as Genya leaves as well. Tanjiro sees Mitsuri walking along the estate and approaches her.
Tanjiro:Hey!Sorry for the wait,but I'm finally ready to go now.
Mitsuri follows tanjiro to the main entrance, they see Genya waiting there.
Tanjiro:Let's move!
Genya and Mitsuri:Right!

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