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minho was more than pleased to see jisung's ecstatic expression as soon as he entered his business classroom.

he watched with slitted eyes as the boy's head tilted downwards and as his lips moved to throw out what was most likely silent death threats aimed towards him.

"hey there, partner." he winked, pulling the empty chair out loudly before sitting down. "I at least expected you to have your bag on my chair considering how much you hate me already." minho tried to joke, but jisung's stoic expression showed no signs of interest. it made him curious, he wanted to peer into the head of han jisung and find out what on earth passes through that route.

"I got my chair back due to your lateness, see it as some kind of reward." the smile that radiated from his face was full of sarcasm.
'god...' minho became weirded out by it at some point.

"reward? you can reward me in many different ways, you know?" minho continued on. "more ways than one."

but what he didn't expect was jisung giving it back, rather than insulting him in the process. "really? i'm glad to know that, i'll keep it in mind for the next times you show up late to this lesson."

"i'll make sure to be late more often." the elder smirked, body turning towards the younger ever so slightly.

"that's relieving to hear, at least i'd get to see your annoying face for less time." and, he was back. but minho couldn't help but let out a sounded laugh which earned him a scowl glare from the teacher.

"you're a funny man, han jisung."

"gotten that one before, zero out of ten." he scoffed before looking past the boy next to him, observing the rest of the class.

"everyone's getting on with their project..." he subconsciously mumbled to himself as his eyes peered back at the teacher who seemed to be doing admin work on his computer rather than teaching an actual lesson. that's when he realised they were really behind.

"well, no shit. you're the one who's being difficult about me coming over to yours tonight for the project" minho rolled his eyes. jisung chewed the inside of his mouth in embarrassment, minho was unfortunately right about that.

"well...well you can come over after school to mine, and we can get started on it. when i get even more tired of you around i'll kick you out, okay?" he instructed the plan.

"whatever you say, princess."

jisung scoffed at the nickname. "princess?" he repeated. "you must be fucking dreaming." he laughed before returning to his notebook where he had taken notes from the previous lesson.

minho rested his head on the table and traced patterns with his ink pen onto the desk, humming quietly to himself as the lesson went on. every now and then, jisung peered over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of whatever he was doodling. the messy ink caught his eyes, and minho was undeniably skilled at his silly little drawings.

"you're going to get in trouble for that, you know." jisung hesitantly spoke up in a hushed tone, hands resting calmly yet scrunched up in his lap.

"aw, you care about me?" minho snorted, head turning back towards the younger who now carried furrowed brows.

"no I...I was just saying?" he clarified in confusion. "no point ending up in detention over stupid...ugly cat drawings...when we could use the time after school to get on with the project." jisung muttered, fists clenching tighter under the desk.

"first of all, my drawings are not ugly or stupid. second of all, it's annoying how you suddenly care about the project after all that hostile talk yesterday. and third of all, you're really cute." minho had stopped scratching his ink pen into the desk and looked at the younger intensely.

live fast, die young ~ minsung Where stories live. Discover now