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minho was fully changed into his pe kit now. his body swiftly moved across the sports hall to line up next to the rest of the boys who stood in a horizontal line close together.

the gym teacher seemed pretty chill, aside from the fact that he scolded seungmin for forgetting his sports kit. they were to be playing bench ball or something, minho found it quite pathetic but taking a quick glimpse at his scrawny class it somehow made sense.
"alright guys, who would like to volunteer to be team leaders?" his voice echoed across the large hall. minho, being the new student that he is, looked around and kept his hand down. to his surprise, jisung was one of the first to raise their hand up straight.

"han jisung." he called out, jisung dragged his legs to stand next to the gym teacher with his arms crossed and an indigestible expression on his cute face. their eyes locked for a second before the younger stared at the ground in front of him with lowly hung shoulders.

"if no one else wants to put their hands up, i'll start choosing myself." he threatened but it didn't seem to work. what a stubborn bunch of people.

"okay then, choi beomgyu you'll be the leader of team 2." the mentioned boy muttered curses under his breath and slowly walks to stand next to jisung.

"team 3 leader, park sunghoon." minho watched like a hawk and took a step back upon observing how the tall boy made his way to stand next to the other two.

'better not be me.' he prayed to himself with his eyes shut, fingers digging into his own waist.

"and team 4 leader, lee felix." a big sigh of relief escaped minho's lips.

'felix should definitely pick me...i mean, if he wants to actually win, I would be the most sensible choice.' he strategically thought to himself, making eye contact with his cousin. felix nodded at him, as if their minds were interconnected to communicate.

"han, you get the first pick on who you'd like on your team." the gym teacher patted his shoulder, which the said boy responded by shrugging his touch off with a scowl.

the boy took a good look around the room to the people who were lined up. minho watched as his eyes fell towards the back of the room where seungmin was sat on the bench and lingered there for a few seconds, before he returned his gaze back to minho, then again back to seungmin.

"minho." the tone in his voice seemed indestructible. minho noticed his cousin's eyes widening for a second as if it was completely out of line for jisung to pick him out of everyone available.

but to minho, a sense of pride took over him as he made his way to stand behind his brown haired neighbour with a smirk. jisung's expression remained the same however, but he chewed the inside of his mouth at the sight of seungmin's clenched fists on the bench, cocking his head to the side with faux and plausible confusion.

the rest took their picks, hyunjin ended up on felix's team and the rest of the people in the line were put into groups by the teacher.

minho only knew the names of few in the gym hall, one of them being his team leader but having no idea who everyone else was called.

"okay, so." jisung clasped his hands together and turned around to face his team. they were to play against sunghoon's team.

"hyejun, you can start on the bench first of all since you're the tallest." the said boy groaned and got on the bench.

"the rest of you can just, um...stand around and get the ball to hyejun." he shrugged.

"everyone knows how to play bench ball right, he looked around at his teammates with a skeptical look. everyone nodded with murmurs.

live fast, die young ~ minsung Where stories live. Discover now