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When the people I used to know found out what I had been doing, how I had been living, they asked me why


tomorrow night came like a flash. it was 9pm, the sky full of acrimony in its complex dark shade. jisung lightly shivered under the cold wind, feeling the goosebumps decorate his bare arms as he stepped out of hyunjin's car.

the lights being emitted from chan's mansion was almost blinding. for a moment as he patiently waited for the rest to get out of the car, he wondered about how chan's neighbours felt about all of well, this.

all the beaming sharp lights, the loud booming music sending vibrations through the ground, having a bunch of drunk people spill their guts all over the lawns....but then he realised, chan basically had no neighbours.

well, technically he did. just not anywhere near him at all.

the sound of felix's sound full laugh rung around the parking spaces, it was evident that he was already drunk. they all were.

jeongin had grabbed a bottle of smirnoff from his parent's drink cabinet once hyunjin had come to pick them up, encouraging everyone to take a few shots before leaving— except for hyunjin, of course.

and now they were here, stumbling out of the car, and the sound of the door shutting close made jisung jump.

"thank god no one threw up in my car..." hyunjin mumbled to jisung with a slightly frightened smile. 

"are you sure you want to be here...?" jisung was quick to notice the strange look in his eyes. the way his smile slowly faltered as he looked onwards to the house.

the taller shook his head with a shrug, "well, i'm here now so." he seemed to be accepting defeat. jisung smiled and patted his back, watching as the taller locked the door of his car from the car keys and followed behind felix and jeongin who were rushing towards the entrance.

"we're all meeting back here at 12, okay? i don't want to get home later than that..." the last part was shamefully mumbled, tucking away his hands deep in his pockets. an echo of "okay's" shallowly radiated around the carpark, muted to the others who were deafend by the loud music.

jisung already felt overwhelmed by the amount of people simply in the landing. they were swarming around like ants around a dropped chunk of apple, going in different directions and in and out of the different rooms in the house.

he got pulled out of his thoughts by felix's hand dragging him towards what he could make out to be the living room.

"we'll find drinks near the kitchen!" although jisung had been to chan's house before, he still felt quite unfamiliar with it. unlike his friend who extremely was close with the other aussie. allowing himself to be dragged through crowds by felix, jisung tried his best to avoid bumping into the already drunken ones who were on the verge of throwing up already.

"god these lights are ridiculous sometimes." jisung squinted his eyes at the flashing strip of light under the corner they passed through, felix laughed at his expression, "don't act like you don't love it." he taunted in a song like tune, finally stumbling upon the kitchen.

"here we are..." he sighed in satisfaction.

they always started off their parties with a few drinks upon arrival, and chan's drinks were the expensive type. the rich type that lasted on your tongue the whole night. there was no better way to start the night.

felix grabbed a half empty glass of vodka laying around on the counter into a red solo cup for himself and jisung, "drink up." he handed one to his friend and slammed the glass hard back onto the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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