Chapter 7

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Maddy's POV

"Ugh, Brendan, come anywhere near me and you lose that hand."I said pushing Brendan away from me knocking him into Nathan. Adam laughed and punched his friend in the shoulder. "Bren man, that is my sister. Off limits." He said laughing slightly I rolled my eyes.

"Now that we've got that all cleared up, Adam take your little friends upstairs and stay outta our way. Got it?" He gave me one of those sly, sorta looks, almost like he's planning something.

"Got it Maddy." He said before flipping Vicky over his shoulder causing Vicky to sqeal while he ran up the stairs with her. My house is officially a circus.

Brendan followed after him. "I SAID TAKE 'YOUR' LITTLE FRIENDS!" I shouted as Brendan just laughed before disappearing around the corner. "SHE IS LITTLE!" He hollered back, I just laughed feeling sympathy for Vicky, that's when I realized Brendan left his cousin by himself, such a nice guy isn't he?

"Uhm, aren't you going to follow them?" I asked leaning against the doorframe. "Nope." He replied simply. "Why not?" I took a sip of Vitamin Water which was on the table next to me. "Well. I'm not really little am I?" He chuckled before taking a sip of my Vitamin Water. I will repeat, MY Vitamin Water.

"Okay well... can you like... follow them anyway?" I asked snatching MY Vitamin Water from him. "Okay it's a choice between, a hostage situation, or a hot girl. I'd chose the hot girl." He stated, walking into the living room and laying on the couch. I laughed, hostage situation. I walked into the living room to see Nathan had changed the DVD to 'Never Back Down' It's Adam's DVD, though it is a good movie.

"Where are my manners! Make me a sandwich." He said. I scoffed, my house, my rules, he should at least be polite. "Excuse me?" He looked at me funny. "I said-" Okay I'm angry now.

"I know what you said! Fact is, you want a sandwich? Make it yourself or follow Adam and leave me in peace, you cocky little kid." I tried to pull him from the couch but he wouldn't budge.

"Geesh, I was kidding, just trying to test your patience, obviously you haven't got much." He teased pulling me onto the couch next to him, "Now shhh, I love this movie, okay?" He pressed play at where Jake, starts a fight just after they won the football game. "So Nathan? Tell me about yourself?"

Looking into his actually really nice eyes. "Really? Are you being serious?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded but frowned, he was laughing at my kind gesture. Rude. I thought Grandma's Boy was supposed to be sweet.

"Oh you were, oh uh.. I guess, I'm originally from Louisiana but we moved here with my grandma not long ago, she got my mom a job at the grocery store not far from here, they work together. God help her."

He laughed, I furrowed my eyebrows together. His grandma works at a grocery store. So does that lady Ethel. I am piecing things together like a jigsaw puzzle! "Can I ask a question?"I asked pausing the DVD. "Uh.. okay. Shoot." He said sounding unsure.

"Well.. it's just. I'm just gonna come out and say it is your grandma, Ethel?" I asked, he looked shocked then laughed. "What's so funny?" I was annoyed. "No! She's Ithel, her I's look like E's, its quite funny actually, I guess she tried to hook me up with you right?" Amusment writen all over his face.

I laughed, "Yeah she did, she is a sweet little thing though." I said, laughing again. "Yeah she is, crazy, but sweet." He chuckled taking a sip of my Vitamin Water, MY Vitamin Water. Yes I don't like sharing that much. ESPECIALLY WITH STRANGERS! "So.. now what?" He asked. "Uh I don't know, I mean my only friend has been kidnapped by my hormonal brother." I stated. Nathan chuckled, it was cute.

"What about your cousin, I mean he's just left you in a strangers house." He shrugged. "Yeah but you're not some 50 year old weirdo are you? I think not, I'm fine here thank you very much." Pressing play again on the DVD, I watched him be so very comfortable in my house. "I sure hope not, other wise it would be a bit weird right?" I asked giggling slightly.

"Yeah just a lil' bit. So what were you guy's is plans for the night? Painting your nails? Braiding your hair? Talking about boys? Please tell me you don't like One Direction." He asked. I laughed. "Just because we look, and actually are girls dosen't mean we act like them, our plans were Liam Neeson movie marathon, COD, MW3, AC, FIFA till about 5 in the morning then between them we would pig out and crap, then probably fall asleep at around.. 7:20 in the morning, a normal night for us."

I explained, he looked shocked, you could say me and Vicky are tomboys but we dress like girls? if you understand that. "Well that's...different to my sister's sort of sleep overs, they talk about One Direction and have their music blasting that stupid 'That's What Makes You Beautiful' Along with Justin Bieber, the amount of squealing I hear is enough to hurt a deaf' man's ear". He exaggerated, I laughed, Nathan chuckled along with me.

"Yeah I'd rather be at a sleepover like yours." He stated, which made me smile, I nodded and pressed play on the DVD and we entered a really comfy silence.

Vicky's POV

I squealed as Adam flung me over his shoulder and ran up the stairs, I say it isn't fun being carried up the stairs, it's slightly uncomfortable. I'll admit and staring at Adam's butt isn't the best view. I heard the door open, and I was placed gently down on the bed, which was a surprise I thought I would of been flung onto it, I looked to see Adam smiling sheepishly at me. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" I looked at him. "I have no idea, but why did you kidnap me?" I sat up while looking at his Monsters Inc. sheets. I giggled. Childish much? Though I love that movie, it's a guilty pleasure. "I-uh.. well Mad said to take my little friends... and well..." He gestured his hands at me, showing my little size. I crossed my arms. "Y'know 5'3 is not that little!" I was now standing up. "I'm nearly the same height as you. See!" I moved my hand from my forhead till it came just below his neck.

"Yes because 5'3 is nearly the same height as 5'7. Isn't it Vicky!" He said laughing. I huffed. "Where's Brendan anyway?" I asked looking around for that obnoxious kid. Nowhere. "Uh..." I groaned, just thinking about that boy being lose in this house is madness Knowing him he would of probably already gone through all of Maddy's drawers that little......

"Lets go look for him!" Adam stated linking our hands together, it was extremely weird. But.... no just weird. We walked down the halls."I'll look in Maddy's room you look in your dad's. Okay?" He looked at our hands. "But it might not be safe. I mean a little thing like you, would get crumbled!"Adam gripped my hand tighter, I rolled my eyes.

"Adam, I'm not going into war you moron! Besides it's not like Brendan's a serial killer or something!" I exclaimed trying to get him to let go of my hand. "Oh y-yeah sorry short stop, just looking out for my number one girl!" He said winking, I gagged. "Adam, please let go of my hand and I am not your 'girl' okay?" I said wandering into Mad's room where I saw something so horrible I nearly peed myself. Lady-like I know.

"ADAM! HELP ME!" I screamed.

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