Chapter 15

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Greyson's POV

"Worst birthday ever Vic. I mean first we're locked in the hotel room till who knows when, and now some creeper is unlocking the door! It could be a murderer or something!" I heard Maddy say through the door. I almost laughed at the whole murderer part, though that might give us away.

"Grey are you opening the door or not?" Cody asked getting slightly annoyed. I guess not talking to Vicky in ages is having an effect on him. I shook my head and gently pushed the door open widely. Me and Cody walked in and saw that it was empty "Hello?" Then I'm not sure what, but I think it was a shoe, collided with my face. I'm pretty sure Cody got hit with something too because I heard him groaning.

I got up from the floor still holding my forehead and saw Cody holding his stomach. Ouch. "My face hurts." I said to no-one in particular. "I have a bottle of shampoo and I'm not afraid to use it!" I think it was Maddy. Slowly walking out of the bathroom she finally came face to face with me. It was extremely weird seeing her in the flesh for the first time though she still looked utterly beautiful.

She looked like the girl from the plane- oh crap! That is her! How didn't I realize? Nobody could mistake those amazing lips! Wow Grey, bit weird to remember a girl just by her lips.

I figured the thing she would do, fans always do it. Scream. She screamed but not a 'AH! ITS GREYSON CHANCE!' But a bloody murder scream. "MADDY! WHAT'S WRONG! WHO EVER'S OUT THERE I HAVE.....CONDITIONER!" Vicky shouted before jumping out of the bathroom. I looked at her and her jaw dropped, then it all clicked.

She was the little girl on the plane too! It makes so much sense! "Holy sea biscuit!" Vicky said. I looked at Cody still on the floor though he was staring at Vicky and she was staring back. Vicky barely even noticed I was here but I was too busy looking at Maddy. My jaw dropped every time I looked at her mesmerizing beauty.

"I-I uh...hi?" I said shyly. "Y-you're Greyson Chance!" She stammered. I nodded. "Yeah uh... hi Maddy!" She looked stunned. "How did? My name? You know it?" She asked her sentence completely muddled. "Uh maybe the name Gregory would change your mind? Oh and Kyle too!" I motioned towards Cody who was now standing up.

"I-I-I what?" Vicky stammered like Maddy. She dropped the bottle of conditioner. Maddy did the same and the bottles clunked on the floor. "How did-"

"Why are-?" They both started then cut each other off. Me and Cody laughed. "This is no laughing matter!" Vicky warned. "Vic it's hard to look scary when you're practically an Oompaloompa. Except skinnier." Cody stated, all 3 of us laughed. "Haven't used that one yet." Maddy said still laughing.

"Thank's Mad's always on my side aren't you?" Vicky said sarcastically. I saw Maddy roll her eyes. "You said I'd get a 'non-sarcastic Vicky' for my birthday."

"I also said that we'd be going out for breakfast but that didn't happen either." Vicky explained pushing Maddy lightly. "Uh.. did you guys forget we were here?" I questioned taking a seat on one of the beds.

"Actually why are you here Greyson and Cody, if those are your real names. Maybe Kyle and Greg?" Maddy questioned taking a seat on the bed next to the one I'm sitting on. Vicky sat with her back on the wall next to the bathroom, Cody sat down next to her though a good foot away."Y'know it would be nice of you to say sorry for hitting us with shoes!"

Cody's POV

I laughed at my own comment. "Yeah sorry." Vicky said blushing. It's amazing finally being able to see her beautiful face for the first time. Though she does look a lot like that little girl from the plane- holy! That is her! How could I have been so blind? I wonder how Greyson must feel.

"CODY! Stop staring, you're going to creep her out!" Greyson said pulling me away from my day dream. Then I realized I had been staring at Vicky for like a good five minutes. "Guys can you please answer our questions? 1. Why did you say your names were Kyle and Greg? 2. Why are you here? 3. How did you know it was us?" Maddy asked 3 good questions.

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