Chapter 1

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Maddy's POV

"Vic! You have 3 seconds to get here or I'm going to have to be facing tweedle dumb and tweedle dee alone!" I shouted at that extremely slow person I surprisingly call my best friend. It was a few moments before she plopped herself down on the sofa spreading the mountain of snack food on the table, while re-adjusting her head set.

"Ready?" she asked, puh-lease, I've been ready for the last 10 minutes. Though I kept my remark of how slow she was to myself and just nodded. Vicky giggled when she noticed that S97 had connected, along with ConverseKing. I laughed at her, while I said hi to the boys.

"So ready to kick some zombie butt?" S97 asked in his annoying Aussie accent. "We sure are! It's not called COD Zombie Invasion for nothing. We're going to be kicking two sets of butts today!" I said, popping a few chips in my mouth. "How much louder can you chew?" ConverseKing asked, he sounded disgusted and annoyed, I instantly finished chewing. "Sorry." I said as I swallowed.

"Oh! Little Maddy is blushing!" Vicky cooed causing the boys to laugh, I glared at her. "Says the little leprechaun." I came back with.

"Burn!" ConverseKing laughed, making a smacking sound against something. "Dude! Don't high-five the screen they can't even see us and you'll break it." S97 said obviously not very pleased with ConverseKing.

"Did he just try to high five me?" I asked, Vicky nodded and S97 replied "Yep, his hands are a little uncontrollable today." He sounded annoyed. "So is Vicky really that short?" S97 asked. "How do you know my name!" Vicky questioned, seriously her name says VictoryVicky I'm pretty sure even a sloth would realize her names Vicky.

"Uh VictoryVicky ring a bell?" He explained in a 'duh' tone, I laughed at how Vicky's facial expression changed; she looked like a tomato on a bad day. "Aww, Vicky's blushing! Don't like the taste of your own medicine huh?" I laughed taking a sip of orange juice. Vicky did the same. "Anyway we didn't come here for chit-chat we came here to kick some butt! Let's get going." ConverseKing brought up, Vicky agreed with him too.

"Okay let's begin!" I cheered before I randomly started shooting as many zombies getting at least 4 head shots.

Vicky's POV

"So? Same time tomorrow?" I asked as we had finally died on round 23. Maddy grinned; I know she loves playing this game just as much as me because of two certain people.

"Uh well... we have got something going on tomorrow." ConverseKing said, causing us to have a slight frown. "What about the next day?" Maddy asked there was a long pause for a while before S97 spoke.

"Um well, we're both pretty busy for the next couple of weeks." He explained, that's when my frown probably dropped all the way to the floor, as did Maddy's. "Oh so uh... we won't be playing together for a while?" Maddy asked, before another long pause.

"Um... yeah we're really sorry girls, we're just extremely busy, we hope you understand." ConverseKing said. I saw Maddy's face drop even more, she has a soft spot for ConverseKing, well I hope so or she just has some weird thing her face does everytime he talks. "Yeah we completely understand you've gotten bored and tired of us, everyone does." Maddy said before taking her headset off and walking out of the room.

I sighed before disconnecting and heading to try and find Maddy, I walked out and bashed into someone who is taller than me, what am I talking about everyone's taller than me. "Adam move." I said, shoving Maddy's obnoxious little brother out of my way, well, attempting to. "Come on short stop, you can try harder than that." He laughed pushing me out of the way.

"For a 14 year old you're such an obnoxious Jerk, I'm two years older than you and you treat me like a kid." I exclaim, pushing him onto the sofa face first. "Even though you look extremely hot, just leave me alone, okay shorty?" He said in more of a statement then question, pushing me out of the door, I huffed and walked up the stairs to find Maddy.

Maddy's POV

"Urgh I mean they didn't have to play us all that time, then tell us they don't like us, I mean we're anti-social enough, the Xbox is our only source of socializing and we find two people we actually like, and they give us the boot." I say to my mirror, weird I know, I don't usually do this, but Vicky is probably being stalked by my brother anyway.

"MADSTER!" I heard Vicky shout from the hall, I laughed at my nickname before opening the door to that little leprechaun, just to clear things up, she is not Irish, it's just only a leprechaun is roughly her size maybe a bit bigger.

"VICKSTER!" I screamed causing her to jump to nearly my height. "Maddy you do that again and I swear..." she started walking closer. "I know, you'll sew my clothes together and hang them from the flag pole, I'm not making that mistake again." I said laughing as she walked into my room, "So what were you doing?" She asked taking a seat on my bean bag, I shrugged before sitting in the bean bag opposite.

"So what are we gonna do about tweedle dumb and tweedle dee?" Vicky asked using their nicknames I made for them, well those names are from the film Alice In Wonderland but, oh well. "Revenge?" I asked. "That is never the answer Mad's." She stated, giving me the 'good-idea-but-too-evil' look.

"So what do you have in mind, and don't say revenge again Mad's." Vicky asked one more time, I have a couple of ideas, but, one stands out in particular. "I have an idea."

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