Chapter 19

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Maddy's POV

"So Maddy was this the best birthday ever?" Vicky asked snuggling her Goofy yet, humongous teddy. I laughed as I snuggled my chipmunk. "Definitley!" I said closing my eyes.

"Maddy?" Vicky asked, I made a 'mmhm' sound. "Do you think we'll ever see them after this trip?" 

"Of course! And even if we don't at least you got to kiss Cody!" I stated, snuggling my Chipmunk. "See you're jealous I knew it!" She stated pounding the air.

"Jealous of what?" I asked getting slightly annoyed, its been a long day. "You like Greyson and you're jealous because he didn't kiss you!" She stated. I could hear the amusement oozing from her words.

"And if I do?" I asked simply. "I KNEW IT! I HAVE TO GET YOU TWO-" She started, but I cut her off. "Don't you start getting involved! Remember the last time? Luke moved to a different state!" I stated. "It wasn't my fault that dog nearly stopped him from having kids!" She stated defensively.

"Yes it was! You said if he didn't ask me out you would set your cousin's rotwiller on him. And guess what? You actually did!" I stated throwing my hands in the air.

"Yeah well if only he had asked you..." She said under her breath. "Well if he had asked me then I would never get a shot with Grey. Not that I would anyway." I said laying my head on my pillow.

"We'll see about that." She said laying back down. "Just go to sleep you weirdo!" I said. "Fine but don't go kissing that chipmunk thinking it's Greyson!" She teased. I rolled my eyes. "At least I don't talk about how hot and dreamy Cody is in my sleep." I stated. "I do not!" She said defensively.

"Vic you're asleep when you talk about him! You wouldn't know. Now night love you!" I said before rolling on my side.

"I hate you Maddy. Night love you too." She said then I fell into a really comfy sleep.

Vicky's POV

"Cody? yes I know its 4:57 in the morning! yes I missed your voice to much!" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. 

"I know I'm so harsh, sorry Cod!" I laughed into the phone.  

"right well I've had a confession from both Grey and Mad about their undenying love for eachother and-... well yes I do have A plan.. but I like meddling!" I stated, after he told me not to medle.

"Brilliant! thank you Cody! this is going to be so good! okay so meet me here in 20 yes? bring Greyson! ... Okay see you in a few bye!" I laughed hanging up and putting on my Nike blazers with my jammie bottoms tucked in and a little cardie over my tank.

Cody's POV

I hung up Vic and rubbed my eyes that girl is. Weird. I laughed and shook Greyson awake. "Go away Cody" he said I laughed and pulled him up so he was sleeply standing then guided him out the door and to the elevator, I pressed floor 3 as we were funnily enough on floor 7.

We got to room 327 and I knocked on the door, Vicky answered dressed in her pajamas I laughed, even when she has bed hair and tiny bags under her eyes she still looks gorgeous. Shut up Cody.

"Cody Greyson! Quick Cody dump Grey on my bed!" She gestured to her bed and I pushed Grey on it and he instantly fell asleep again, serves him right for keeping me awake till 3am talking about Maddy.

"Now what?" I asked, "Well... we lock the door from the outside and wait till they wake up I guess." She shrugged leading me out of the door then locking it. I was confused on how she locked doors from the outside. Then she explained it was a trick her dad taught her.

"What? Are we just going to wait here?" I asked she nodded and leaned her back on the door and slid down till her butt touched the carpet. I did the same.

"Now what. It's... 5:16." I said checking my phone she shrugged again and leaned her head on my shoulder. "We wait. We try not to fall asleep and we try to not freak out any workers by having 2 teenagers snoring in a hallway." She laughed pulling her kness up to her chest.

"This'll be fun." I laughed wrapping my arm round her knees. "Yes I can't wait for their reactions." She laughed sleepily. "Neither can I Babe." Did I just call her that. Hey, she didn't say anything!

Greyson's POV

I put my hands on the bed and pushed myself up to come face to face with a Goofy teddy bear. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't scared because I jumped like 10 feet off the bed and smacked my head on the patio doors. Not the best wake up call I'll admit.

I stood up holding the back of my head and saw a tired looking but still stunning Maddy looking straight at me. "GREYSON?!" She asked. I nodded wincing in pain. I have come to realize that I have a very bad headache. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I-I don't know, all I remember was hearing Cody on the phone, then he woke me up, then I collapsed on what I think is this bed and woke up." I replied she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"I heard Vicky on the phone too. I thought I was dreaming though. I bet they planned this!" Maddy stated flopping back on the bed. "So what now?" I asked sitting on what I presmue is Vickys bed.

"Knowing her would of used that awesome trick to lock doors from the outside." She said, I smiled. Locked in a room with Maddy, this could

"So we're stuck here?" I asked. she nodded. "Perfect!" I said and dug around for a phone I found one and went to unlock it but a stupid password was on it who is that stupid, idiotic, mean, evil enough to-

"Hey Grey that's mine!" Maddy said cutting me off, well. If I had said that out loud things would of gotten to awkward too soon.

"S-sorry Maddy. Just can I try and call that Australian kid?" I asked she nodded, then I waited for her to tell me her password. "What?- oh right its 1590!" She said pointing her finger at me.

I typed it in and saw a picture of a little girl with what I presume was her mom, she never talked about her mom when she was talking about her family last night. Weird, I'll ask her after we get out and kill those meddling kids! Wow, I sounded like Scooby Doo.

"Cody! What are you planning?... Seriously? Y'know sometimes I think I'm the older and maturer one! Just-well where are you? Outside the door? Well then open it! What do you mean not until my birthday kiss?! But the only other person in here is- WHAT CODY! I can't, but what do...stop cut... let me finish one stupid sentence!" I shouted into the phone.

"How would you know anyway? Seriously? A picture? You want photographic evidence. What are you apart of CSI! Yeah that was funny wasn't it?...Okay fine I'll do it! Okay so a kiss, picture, then you'll let us out? Fine. Sometimes I hate you Cody." I said laughing slightly, I looked at Maddy who had a weird confused look, I shrugged at her then went into the bathroom quickly locking the door behind me. "Thank you Cody!" I whispered. "No problem Grey and... Happy Birthday!" He said back, then we hung up.

I walked back out into the room to catch Maddy quickly fixing her hair and trying to wipe the dry drool off her cheeks, it was cute.

"Um... morning?" I laughed as her face was priceless. "Grey....son?" She stretched out the words which made me smile.

"Morning!" I said cheerfully. "Uh, yeah hi!" She stated blushing. "Maddy I've spoken to Cody-" I started but she cut me off not that I minded. "What did he say? Did they really lock us in?" She asked quickly. I nodded and she groaned. "Thanks." I replied sarcastically. "Oh sorry its not you Grey its just, I don't want to be stuck in a hotel room all day, and its your birthday!" She cheered. I smiled, she remembered my birthday. Shut up Greyson you told her yesterday, its not like she has memory loss.

"And how do we get out?" She asked her hands on her hips as she looked around the room. " well...CodySaidWeHaveToKissToGet OutAndHeNeedsPhotographicEvidenceOrHeWontLetUsOutChildishRight?" I said without a breath.

"Okay all I got was bahalahshd, Kiss. hakaksjsjdh Evidence, jahdkfkf Childish so can you please repeat that?" She laughed.

I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. This is gonna be a long day.

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