Chapter 11 " Confidential Information"

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As I passed through the different stairwells I was able to lose Alexi and continue my way up. The door was strangely locked which never occurred unless someone was hiding something, as I was. I checked the room number twice to make sure that I wasn't in the wrong stairwell and I tried all the combinations that came to mind. But each of them didn't work, even every soldier's birthday and it still didn't work. Then the idea to put Ïvan Évorav's birthday thinking that there was no way that it was going to work, to my shock the red light turned green and I gained access to the room. I quickly darted my eyes around the dimly lit room to look for anything but suddenly a loud noise sounding like a door opening came from outside and I hid under the bed keeping my hand over my mouth. I did everything to not alert whoever was coming inside to find out someone was in the locked room.

Then the voice sounded familiar like someone I had talked to before many times. His voice sounded cold like ice speaking discreetly to other people who I couldn't recognize their voice. Whoever was here seemed to know the room very well as he asked out loud, Did I leave anything Confidential? Now when the lights were turned on he began to stomp around the room. Where, Did I put the Akra Papers. What were "The Akra Papers" but my question was easily answered once the two soldiers left the room and the man began to speak to himself about losing the papers. Quickly the man left but before he did he looked from the door and closed it behind him. I swiftly with pace began to look for anything that would give clues as to what he was referring to. The drawer under his desk withheld the information that had big red text reading CLASSIFIED DOCUMENT and I could barely hold my excitement from being released, my hand quivered with enough hope that the folder opened from the sheer force from my hand. The papers showed that the Prisoners of War from Andollia were taken underground in the prison and the soldiers were given specific orders to kill and dispose of the bodies. Out of pure anger and frustration I threw the book straight into the wall without realizing that there were other people. And I ran as quickly as I could to grab it and put back where it originally was, though I was going to get it one day and use it I knew I would, I was sure of it. I closed the drawer as quickly but quietly as I could without causing much commotion.

I was caught in the middle of a dilemma, either help Hanna escape or be forced to wait until her trial on August 21st where I would be used as a witness that would point the blame directly at Alexi Zaitzev for his disregard for Hanna being drunk and should have expected such behavior from a drunk addict who had no self-control. He should have known this considering the two were very close and usually hung out together at the "Veterans Bar" near Keckolev so seeing them on opposing sides felt weird and it also felt weird having to make an important decision. Sleeping on such a problem meant that the night felt like it was stretching on for hours before my eyes fluttered and finally I went to sleep. The light of day finally appeared and hit my window with such intensity that my eyes tried there best to protect themselves from the blinding light and allow me some privacy. Taylor walked in unannounced not saying a word to me in weeks had changed the direction I had wanted this to go. She was aggravated I could tell by the way she clutched her hands which wasn't very often but I had seen her do it a couple of times when other soldiers asked her to dance with them. She wasn't the type to dance like myself and would rather read a manual about the tanks that were being built and presented to the President next week. She began to break things lighting things on fire purposely trying to destroy my room along with me in it.

" What is wrong with you! You didn't act like this two weeks ago so why are you acting like I did something personal to you?!" I asked increasingly concerned with how Taylor was acting.

We were interrupted by the loud noise of people rushing down the stairs which was joined by people screaming for others to join with them. Obviously by impulse I joined the large crowd to avoid an obvious and dangerous Taylor because she seemed to hate being around me and vice versa. I began to make my way down the crowded stairway knowing that Taylor didn't take this way ever because Taylor felt that something about the stairwell was off... whatever she meant by that.Once the continuous amounts of people reached the bottom of the stairwell and everyone began to get into groups sitting in the chairs that had their names assigned to them. Discussion could be heard coming from people specially people who had asked for some gossip on people. That was until General Ïvan Évorav walked in with his metal boots clacking against the hardwood floor, his eyes frantically searching the room for anyone that was missing from the room. He cleared his throat and then began to speak and his tone was full of happiness and the entire room including myself was confused by why he seemed to he so happy about this conference.

" Now I asked all of you here because of the increasing amount of concerns coming from soldiers especially, Taylor and Sergio. We cannot say with certainty but do believe that Alexi has recovered and with the required amount of stitches will return back to base on Monday, I would ask you to send your condolences." The whole room shook with excitement and the everyone cheered except for me who was concerned for my safety because he knew confidential informational such as that I was from Andollia and that I had run away up a restricted stairwell so if I made one wrong move he could end my entire life with just two sentences. Because that stairwell lead to the room where I had found the Akra Papers which were still currently in my room safely tucked in a corner where nobody would ever think to look in because it was never used by anybody. Though the thought of seeing his icy dark brown eyes and wavy black hair terrified me and goosebumps popped on my arms and the hairs on them rose up.

"Alexi is currently at a graveyard somwhere doing things that he has not disclosed to us and will not share in the future." General Ïvan Évorav added that to his speech. Everyone else exited the room while I stayed glued to my seat maintaining eye contact with General Ivan Evorav. The air thick with tension and the room dusty, barely anyone cleaned nor used this room for anything important or if they needed to get some information shared with people who were ranked Master General. He continued walking around the room until I asked " Why did you want to speak about privately. Does it have anything that concerns Alexi because I can tell you with full certainty that I do not care about that bald shit" I said cursing him out before he continued on the conversation.

   "What I needed to discuss with you was that, Alexi  was found to be in a town inside of Skewekzy that you might know well. It's on Buraskev St. I'm assuming you remember going to the cemetery there. I do hope that he isn't doing anything mischievous to your family's graves."

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