A Helping Hyena

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Request from @lottdude

"No. Don't tell me I've been running in circles?" Fuli groaned to herself, eyes directed at a circular shaped rock. It was as if she was talking to it. "You've got to be kidding me." She huffed fustratedly, lowering her head. The guard was fighting Janja and his clan, and in the midst of the fight, a rockslide occurred, and the cheetah found herself separated from her friends. Now she was on her own, trying to find her way out of the outlands.

"Could really use Ono right now." She groaned, but that gave her an idea that made her ears perk. Glancing at the rock, she used her hind legs to push herself up and jump onto the rock. "Ah. Now that's more like it." She exclaimed, pleased to find a better view of these barren lands to scope the area. The cheetah was rather proud of herself to figure that out on her own. While her friends helped her out, Fuli preferred to do some things on her own. It was her way as a cheetah

As her green eyes surveyed the lands, she saw an open path ahead. There was something black in the distance, but it was too far for her to see. While her eyes were sharp, they were not sharp enough to see that far. "So far..." she murmured, squinting her eyes so much that it hurted. Her paw rubbed her eyes to soothe them from trying too hard to survey the area.

"No matter. I just gotta run over there, and I will be out of here in no time." She thought, certain that there was no way something could stop her. Even if Janja or any other intruder bumped into her, she would be too fast for them to catch. That required careful timing.

Getting down on the ground, her paws were planted firmly onto the ground. Her claws dug into the dirt to feel the earth. Shrugging her shoulders as she bent down, her a confident smile was written on her golden face. "Look at me. Figuring out my way without ANY help from anyone. Hweuzi!" She boasted before darting ahead, leaving a trail of dust behind her. Everything was a blur to her as she sped past it with only the colors she could make it like the gray rocks and brown trees.

As she was running, Fuli could imagine meeting up with the rest of the guard, being asked if she was alright. 'I bet the moment they see me, they're gonna be asking me if I'm ok. Heh. When I see them, I'll tell that I got out of there with no sweat. I didn't even need Ono to see where I am. I got this!' She thought to herself, smirking until some kind of force stopped her abruptly, feeling her body lunge in front and then pull back.

"Whoa! What in the Pridelands?" She exclaimed, flabbergasted until she realized there was something cold and sticky, clinging to her fur. Glancing down, her eyes grew big to find tar had clung to her fur. Half of her lower limbs and paws were deep within the black, inky liquid. Looking around, Fuli realized that she had entered into some ink pits of the outlands.

Fuli felt her heart drop. If she stayed too long, she could continue to sink, and well, then Kion would have to look for a replacement for the fastest member of the guard. "No. No no no no!" She said, feeling her heart race in fear, and started to try and pull herself out. But the tar was stronger and kept her in place. "This is not good. Not good." She told herself, ears low in distress until they went up, realizing that this was the black thing she saw.

"Oh, maybe I DID need Ono. He would've warned me about this." She noted, shaking her head at how foolish she was to not consider that black thing could be something. Her speed was both a gift and a problem. If she slowed down and wasn't so cocky, she wouldn't be caught in this sticky situation. Literally.


"Eeeh!" Fuli squeaked and felt aowm drops splat her face. The cheetah turns to the source of the sound and snarled at it. That snarl was replaced with confusion when she found a large gray rock next to her. "Fuli!" A voice called out from above, and her eyes glanced up to find Jasiri staring back down at her.

"Jasiri?" The cheetah said, surprised to see her. "Jump on!" The hyena commanded with urgency in her voice. She knew the dangers of tar pits. Heck, if Jasiri had to pick, she would pick fighting Janja over getting stuck in tar. Fuli didn't think twice, but her fur was weighed down by the tar seeping into her coat.

Jasiri wasn't too far up from her, so she was able to grab the cheetah by her scruff and pull her up as much as possible. Fortunately, Fuli's paw was able to pull out of the ink since it wasn't in too deep. Despite her physical strength fading from trying to pull her body, she had enough strength to put her paw on the rock.

Jasiri didn't let go and made her friend get out of the tar as much as possible. Her paws clung to a corner in the rocky wall to hold herself from falling. The cheetah was able to pull the rest of her legs onto the rock, and once she no longer felt the liquid sticking to her fur, Fuli was about to rest until she heard Jasiri's voice snap her out of her exhaustion.

"Keep going, Fuli! I know you're tired, but the rock will sink eventually. Come on!" The hyena insisted, knowing Fuli was only out of danger. The cheetah wanted to lie on the cold surface of the rock to rest, but Jasiri knew the dangers of the outlands better than her.

Resisting the urge to just lie down, Fuli grunted and pushed herself up, ignoring the soreness in her legs for being in the same potion for too long. Jasiri helped her up onto the ledge she was on as Fuli used what little strength she had to get up.


The two exclaimed, lying on their rears once Fuli was ok and on the smooth surface of the ground. "Th....Thank you, Jasiri. I guess it doesn't hurt to have a helping hand. Or a helping hyena." Fuli commented,  crinkling her nose at the stench of the tar. She was gonna need a bath after this. No way was she licking this off. "No problem. Come on. Kion's looking for you." Jasiri informed her, giving Fuli a chance to rest before they got and she helped support the cheetah by letting her lean on her on the way to their friends.

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