Chapter 38

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~Come Full Circle~

Sunlight was blasting in my face. I scrunch my face up and dig my head deeper into Edmund.

I felt nothing.

I open my eyes and let them readjust to the room. I was no longer in the train cart with my family. I was in a bedroom.

Not just any bedroom. My old bedroom is from Narnia.

Oh my god. Maybe Alsan changed his mind, he needed us for another adventure.

I need to find Edmund

I got out of my bed and luckily I was already in some Narnian-like clothing. Then I raced to where his bedroom was.

I burst through his door and he was nowhere to be found.

I check the other bedrooms

No Lucy

No Peter

No Susan

My heart starts racing and I feel panicked. A soldier walks by me and sees my panicked state.

"My queen, are you okay?" he asks.

"Where is Edmund? Where is Peter? Lucy? Susan?" I ask.

"They are in the gardens but-"

"Thank you," I cut the guard off and race to where the gardens are.

Once I get out there I see and familiar black-haired man.

"Ed?" I call out to him.

He whips his head around and a smile appears on his face.

"Astrea? I thought you didn't make it," he says and engulfs me in a hug.

"I'm here, where are the others? Are we doing another adventure," I gleam.

"No love, you might want to sit down," he gestured to the bench he was just sitting on

"What's going on?"

"Astrea, remember the train ride?"

"Yes, why?

Edmund clears his throat and takes a deep breath.

"Well, the train it... It crashed and everyone on the train died," Edmund explains

"What. I can't be here if I die. What are we gonna tell Susan? She's gonna be heartbroken," I say.

"She will come here when her time is up in the other world. But how are you feeling?" he asks taking my hands.

"Odd. I mean you just told me that I'm dead, but I'm in Narnia so that's a whole plus," I smile.

Me and Edmund talked for a while, he was mostly calming me down and making sure I was alright.

"What about our wedding?" I ask

"We can have a grand wedding here. With all our people," Edmund smiles at me.

"I like that idea."


In the days that followed Edmund and I were planning our great wedding. Lucy and Peter helped, of course, even Caspian. Somehow he heard of our engagement and he wanted to help greatly.

I really wanted to be more involved but the creatures and our royal advisers didn't want me to lift a finger. At least I got to pick out the cake, and my dress. Of course, everyone was invited to it. These people were our family.

Even though these days were filled with joy, I felt some source of dread.

The times I would picture my wedding I wanted Lucy to be the flower girl and Susan to be my maid of honor. But she's not here. It's not like I want her to die, but I really wish she was here

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